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RE: Strange Thoughts & Dangerous Ideas

in #dangerous5 years ago (edited)

looking for a monster in the madneas, entanglement & singularity.. trigger words, deprogram the virus from the inside out, takes a lot of emotion & momentum to force IT to slip up & engage back.. but it does occasionally.. and i engage it back. its a very strange critter, not accusing anyone to be deliberately using it, IT just hangs around these kinds of things.. feeds on it.

i been threw some really bad things in my life.. what i have learned is by being very nice to people, when i am attacked, very bad things occur as a result, so i just trust that i am always safe & protected.. people generally keep very away from me. the critter that i am hunting down, IT even protects me, its a very complicated situation.

i am using an entire group effort to allow deeper access into these hidden dimensions of the mind & group mind ect.. the hidden one is just waiting to be caught, like a naughty leprechaun. still having difficulty understanding the satanic aspects, not the existence, but the underlying dynamics of this phenomena.. a kind of god virus, yet part of something much larger, mind virus ect.. archetypal components that need to be sorted out & put back together, not many people see what i see, so i just make bad jokes & push the upset buttons until something happons.. then i set the hook & pull something out of nothing.

its a difficult thing to put words to, but this aspect of god known as satan may not be in control of what we would expect IT to be. the archangel michael.. or marduk.. is another reflection of the one known as enki.. who is a reflection of a much larger parts. anyway, IT is severely damaged & needs repair & the only access into the bios is threw us, threw us understanding IT & how it is damaged.. our subconscious or unconscious mind.. noosphere ect.. very few people can understand these things, so i do this by interacting with people, everything represents a legitimate clue in a analog holographic universe. therefore i have an abundance of clues to sort threw all of the time, keeps me busy.

think of snake charmer, they do this because this offers them direct contact with a potential threat.. direct communication. same with the mysterious forces of evil, it must be closely watched & studied. what i suspect happened was in a time of great need & in a state of survival.. humans were offered the knowledge of ritual & magic to control this power of noosphere.. blood sacrifice become a standard practice to manipulate physical reality, as a result the subconscious mind of the planet was never allowed the opportunity to regain awareness, so we are stuck in a quagmire that requires suffering.. and without the constant supply of pain, this monstrosity will awaken from a terrible nightmare.. Revelation 9 for example.