The Art of The Squeal: Iran, China, Russia back Trump's #STORM? Plus #STOP5G Update

in #dakini5d7 years ago

3/26: Deputy Attorney General, Rod Rosenstein announced the indictments of nine Iranians who allegedly hacked into the FERC, Indiana State Department, Hawaii State Department, the US Labor Department and 144 American Universities.

Meanwhile, Israeli Defense Forces, used unmanned aerial vehicles to drop tear gas on demonstrators in the Gaza Strip, ushering in a new method of drone-enforced crowd control and gassing civilian populations.

Additionally, Turkey announced its new plan to censor its citizens using google-created algorithms and China informs the United States that it can easily take-down our telecommunications systems nationwide.

The United States does little to harden it's power grid, yet continues to march forward with totalitarian "smart grids" utilizing the military's silent weapons system created by DARPA that is now being called "5G". Friendly technocrats tell us they are doing us a favor by increasing bandwidth for our smart phones to function well, when really the 5G milliwave system is being deployed to complete the globalist, fascist, stated plan of "full spectrum dominance of the human domain."

Please sign the petition to stop 5G:

To read Jon Rapaport's excellent blog on the Internet of Things and social control:

To read Rapaport's blog that details the harmful effects of 5G milliwave technology:

To read about the hush-hush plan to create an entirely synthetic genome to simulate humans:

Check out Jeff Rense's video from a year ago which discusses how synthetic DNA will forever alter the human race's natural biology:

For information on HRC's "bagman" for the CFF, Dennis Cheng:

Direct from Judicial Watch:

Turkey extends its censorship of the internet and social media:

For some education on the Hitler Youth's role in the totalitarian movement in Nazi German:

Please note that beginning at page 5, the paper deals with university indoctrination towards fascism:

Israel's ISPRA Anti-Riot drone in action:

Stay free and open, freedom lovers! And lend your friends and families a hand and a heart as this next week unfolds. Pray for this global shift in awareness to continue and that all people across the world will be freed from the genocidal globalist cabal. WE ARE FREE!

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Thanks so much for supporting You Are Free and for taking the time to view the important information int my post!


Great collection of important information. Keep it sharing and let's hope that it will awake more and more people. 5G is the elephant in the living room that nobody is talking about. But luckily that's changing as well. Let's hope that's not too late.

Thanks very much, @gardenbsquared. I appreciate the encouragement and support. Yes, we have to keep shouting out about the dangers of 5G-- people need to understand this is a WEAPONS system being deployed, not just another "G" for faster uploads!

I'm well aware of this microwave oven they are building all around us. Combined with the IoT it will be the ultimate surveillance state. Nothing Smart in our house but with 5G that doesn't even matter anymore. It will be a while before it arrives here in Suriname but it worries me more than anything I've witnessed in my life so far.

Curated for #informationwar (by @openparadigm)
Relevance: Independent Journalism
Our Purpose

Thanks very much, @openparadigm, for another curation of my posts! I very much appreciate it!

I am currently in college, and my psychology textbook states that the "chief reason" for fire-arm related deaths of teenagers is "the ease of obtaining a gun in the United States." Then it says that youth death rates from firearms "have declined since 1995 "when police began confiscating guns on the street." THEN it says that teenage suicide rates fell by 34% from 1990-2006 due to "restrictions on children's access to firearms." There's no need to wonder why teens are anti-gun when this is the bs they've been fed as fact. The funny thing is that all through this textbook it states over and over again how mental issues and health are all multidimensional, that many many factors play a part. But teen death...all because of guns.

Thank you for the excellent analysis of how students are being indoctrinated into technocratic norms.

Wonderful analysis, @arctickat! I appreciate you taking the time to comment on this totalitarian psy-op disguised as "caring for children". Followed you!

Yeah, I remember 1995. Before that you could have all the guns you wanted on the street, and everything was fine. Then, suddenly, every time you left one laying around, those pesky cops would grab it. Me and the boys'd be down at the saloon shootin' things up--you know, just having fun--and those darn cops would come and make a fuss, even if we didn't wing any bystanders!

Good Lord! I tried to talk my kids into going to college (Georgetown was recruiting my eldest pretty fiercely) They refused. I guess they were smarter than am I. Good thing. Who knows the BS they could have swallowed? Particularly Georgetown, a school many public servants have graduated from.


The information you are passing on is vital. The segment by Jeff Rense was quite worrying, but I note the discussion of heritability was not biologically correct.

While DNA can be inserted into our genes via viral vectors, the genetic changes would be localized to the particular sites where cells accepted the virii. Since we have trillions of cells, it would take cups of virii to transform all our cells, and one injection, or even a series of shots, just wouldn't contain enough to completely saturate our bodies with the virus.

Since our eggs are fully made before we're born, a woman, even one whose gonads were altered this way, wouldn't pass it on to her children. Unless a man's reproductive tissues, particularly his stones, were transformed, his sperm wouldn't be altered either.

It's unlikely, unless the injection of the vaccine was directly into the testicles, that such genetic changes could be passed on. Since women's eggs are all formed before she is born, it is impossible for a woman to pass genetic alterations on, unless her eggs are targeted directly, which is not something that could be done via injection.
