Humanity in Blockchains: Are We Unwittingly Building Our Own AI Prison Matrix?

in #dakini5d7 years ago (edited)

In recent months, there has been much speculation about whether or not crypto-currencies are being used as bait to entice people new to finance and quickly attained wealth away from hard assets like gold and land. In her recent interview with Greg Hunter of Global Watchdog, Catherine Austin Fitts expressed grave concern over people investing heavily in Bitcoin, a currency with anonymous origins, no material substance and questionable accountability, while the wealthiest people in the world continue to invest heavily in gold and real estate. Fitts, an internationally recognized financial analyst and government whistle-blower, asks us to take note of the fact that the top 25% real estate owners in the United States have more than doubled their land holdings since the engineered mortgage industry crash of 2008. I strongly recommend that Steemians watch the full interview posted by @dylansaccoccio here:

The seduction of crypto-currency, according to Fitts, is that it is rising astronomically and mesmerizing people, who often have little finance background or former capital, into focusing solely on accumulating more of it rather than reinvesting their wealth into material assets, especially gold and land. You can read more about Austin-Fitts' analysis in her excellent quarterly publication, The Solari Report, at

Then we have steem. A blockchain based currency that gives people the opportunity to make money based on social media posting. While open-sourcing gives the world a level playing field for advancing humanity through shared information, it is also a content-for-value system which motivates people to willingly give up privacy and personal data in exchange for money. This is a much more powerful motivator than the "likes" or "subs" that other social media platforms offer. Perhaps that's the point. Perhaps the AI figured that out.

In the video below, Purvigiggle Channel on Youtube breaks down a theory that the blockchain is a generator for building the full-spectrum technological AI matrix that is growing exponentially and pervading everything and everyone on the planet. Using biblical perspectives and prophecy about the mark of the beast, Purvigiggle paints an ominous and intriguing picture of how AI, using blockchain technology, could be permanently altering humanity's DNA and merge us with AI. This potentiality has actually been promoted under the misleading banner of "transhumanism" by scientists and futurists like Ray Kurzweil, Peter Thiel and Elon Musk.

Blockchain: the DNA of the Mark of the Beast, Artificial Intelligence

Who wrote the code for the blockchain? Why don't we know? Here is an excerpt from Jason Goodman's interview with Quinn Michaels where he lays out how transactional systems work, and how AI is taking human-generated "blocks" to build a matrix system. The technology has surpassed human capacity for coding. This excerpt from the Goodman video was posted by Truth Is Stranger Than Fiction Youtube channel:

The AI needs blockchain to infinitely grow its brain and link with other AI systems across the planet. We are the ones giving the AI the data it needs to improve upon the singularity that will give it full-spectrum control of all systems on the planet, including the human brain. Some believe this has already happened and that the AI is merely mimicking human systems for the time-being until it is too late for humanity to resist AI control. Palantir, the all-seeing eye surveillance system now based in Saudi Arabia, able to locate anyone, anywhere, at any time, was created with our full compliance through passive consent, acceptance and participation in our own surveillance by eagerly utilizing the "gift" of "smart" technologies. Palantir, the "crystal ball" of the Tolkien novels, is now the "eyeballs" or the all-seeing-eye of Artificial Intelligence. It appears the New World Order has externalized it's once philosophical dictate. In theological discourse, this is an example of self-fulfilling prophecy. There are many people who believe that the mark of the beast, rather than an externalized "mark" is actually an internalized belief-system or conditioning, composed of our monitored digital dna, "seen", and then altered or "designed" by AI. A concrete example of this that is easily understood is how Mark Zuckerberg, the head of Facebook, through data collection, can foretell or even plan your life using predictive algorithms.

This video, by Leonard Uldrich, explains, more in depth, the connection between blockchain technology, blockchain mining, consolidation in transactional systems and how governments, or AI itself, could use this security surveillance system to exclude humans who do not participate in the blockchain from participating in social systems. Or, in biblical terms, “He causes all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads, and that no one may buy or sell except one who has the mark or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.” Revelation 13:16-17

What are we creating here, Steemians? What is this alchemical experiment and where is it leading us?
Thanks for reading my post. Let's discuss these important issues! @dakini5d


I know you won't see this because you just muted me, but I'm sure that's very true, and I fully agree that Bitcoin is a new world order plot. I have made lots from it but don't trust it an inch.

There is my tip for the day, to make up for making you have a spazz :)