in #dakini5d7 years ago

5g is the final stage of the Space Fence lock down that will prevent humanity from connecting with Source/God. The living hell the elites have planned for us is the constant recycling of our mediated minds into a perpetual state of bio-slavery. It is vital that we do not blindly adopt the proposed Internet Bill of Rights. We first need to focus on stopping the 5G roll out. The fixation on censorship on internet platforms such as Youtube and Google is pushing people towards advocating for an unnecessary law rather than to fight for our already existing 1st Amendment Constitutional right. People are rushing into this Internet Bill of Rights because their livelihoods are being affected by the censorship of the technocracy. The larger issues, such as preventing the fascist "internet of things" from being deployed through 5G to take away ALL of our natural human rights, breaking up the GOOGLE/FB monopolies, and insisting on our already existing 1st Amendment right to free speech and free press, should be the focus of our protest and resistance. Please sign to the petition below to stop 5G after watching the video.

Please sign the petition to stop 5G:

One of the technocracy/globalist "public interest" groups fighting the petitions to stop 5G are Public Knowledge and New America’s Open Technology Institute:

Here is the report on Samsung's "UNspoil Me" technology that wipes your memories of watching television series so that you can watch them again! What a waste of our life time!! Can you imagine?? Nothing better to do than watch the same show 100 times? This is insane!

Read the report on Crown Prince Mohammed Bin Salman diverging from Wahhabiist Islam and retracting fifty years of the subjugation and enslavement of women in Saudi Arabia, which he conveniently blames on Iran's 1979 revolution:

For a look at the history of the word "panic", which Q seems to be messaging quite a bit recently:

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Thanks so much for viewing my post, Freedom Lovers! Now is the time to use very clear discernment in how we prevent technocracy from taking away our human rights, constitutional rights and our very health and minds. @dakini5d


The part on the Internet Bill of Rights needs clarification. Q mentioned IBOR because our information war is currently being censored without it. The IBOR is needed because the first amendment does not currently apply to corporations’ community standards.

The first amendment clearly states “Congress shall make no law...” A1 prevents the GOVERNMENT from passing laws that infringe on our right to free speech. As much as I wish it did, this does NOT apply to the right of companies to institute their own community standards. This is why we really need IBOR.

IBOR would effectively deem social media sites to be like utility companies; the phone company can’t cut your service if they don’t like what you’re saying, because they are a utility. Twitter, however, can drop anyone for any reason, because they are not considered a utility and A1 only applies to infringement by government laws.

Why are you skeptical of IBOR? I honestly want to know what you have against this bill. If you are going to make a stand against a valuable tool for the Alliance, and the effective freedom of speech needed to bring about the Great Awakening, I want to know what evidence you have to support this action.

You mentioned that att supports it. Guilt by association? Seriously? (Hitler was a vegan; is than a valid argument against veganism? No.). Att obviously sees the writing on the wall and they care about their image/PR.

Please take a second look at IBOR, or show us something in the bill that is anything but helpful to the cause.

In closing, just because I disagree on this doesn’t mean I don’t love you and appreciate everything you do. I’m just trying to help.

Hi @c-change, I am completely open to healthy discussion-- that is the point of A1!

I support breaking up FB, Google, YT with anti-trust legislation, rather than promoting a regulatory bill, which IS NOT necessary for freedom of speech on social media platforms. Anyone who sends a lawyer's statement to YT, instantly gets their channel put back up, bc they have no true legal means of censoring based on supposed community guidelines. It is a lie and a sham. We need to break up these corporate monopolies rather than have new legislation to separate our 1st Am rights from our activity on the internet.

What evidence do you have that this IBOR will be beneficial? That it won't be harmful to our already given 1st Am right? That it won't grant AT&T the "right" to fry us with 5G?

Today, an important clause in the Omnibus Bill that was signed by Trump, pretty much nullifies our 4th amendment right to privacy. This is because 5G will make privacy impossible.

The Hitler vegan thing is really a goofy comparison! No offense! To NOT grock the massive power of At&t over the last century in breaching our rights to free speech and privacy is naive in the very least. This company is Rothschild-sized powerful.

If someone can show me just how this IBOR would be a necessary step to the accomplishment of #STORM, great! I am all ears!

Your writing about technocracy is very useful.

5G technology really useful for our electronic technology. It's make our life easy & colourfull..

Please don't spam my site, @monju. No, 5G is not very useful, it is deadly and is a weapons system, not a communications system.

They don't want to take the red pill...

Environmentalists are now claiming 5G harm to wildlife. If it can harm animals, it can harm humans. duh. https://www.technocracy.news/scientists-5g-rollout-poses-credible-threat-to-wildlife/