ⒶⒷⓇⒶⒽⒶⓂ - An important reflection on the over-hyped DEATH experience

in #dailyquotes7 years ago

We’re not wanting to be insensitive to what so many of you are feeling, but we are very much wanting you to put this death thing in the proper perspective: You are all going to die! Except there is no death. You’re all going to make your transition into Non-Physical. It is time to stop making your transition into Non-Physical sound like a subject that is uncomfortable and begin acknowledging that it is something that happens to everyone. This death thing is so misunderstood that you use it to torture yourself never-endingly and just absolutely unnecessarily. There are those who feel such fulfillment of life and such Connection to Source Energy, who understand that there is no separation between what is physical and Non-Physical; who understand that there is not even a lapse in consciousness, that "death" is a matter of closing one’s eyes in this dimension and literally opening one’s eyes in the other dimension. And that, truly, is how all death is, no matter how it looks, up to that point. The re-emergence into Source Energy is always a delightful thing.


Excerpted from Buffalo, NY on 9/25/01

Abraham is the name given to a non-physical collective consciousness which speaks through a woman called Esther Hicks

Last night's sunset from the bottom of our latest new garden in the South of France. 2018

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Since I started reading them each morning I have been able to change the way I think and five years on I am able to manifest exactly what I desire in my life using the Law of Attraction. By reading these words on a daily basis, you can achieve this too 🙏🏻

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If only more people truly understood this our temporary living in physical form would have far more meaning.

I was always scared of dying until I had my spiritual epiphany, a short while back, which left me able to communicate with spirit.

Nothing is as we are generally taught to believe and death is a false concept.



Hope life in France is magnifique!


It sure is magnificent thanks. The sunshine is back now and we are out walking every day. So beautiful here.

Yes, death is curious one. It is a human word so full of fear, used to describe something so misunderstood. By day I feel good about the thought of being non physical again, but in my dreams I am often running from death still with much fear. Have been tapping my way through this recently but feel as if I have some rocks to look underneath...

All the best to you :)

You know, when my Grandmother passed I couldn't cry and felt guilty about it. Then I felt comfort, almost as if she was saying "don't be silly, of course you're going to see me again!" This inner comfort has been with me ever since.

When the time comes, I wish everyone a speedy translation to the other side.

Until then, LIVE!

Transition is a much better word for it. Why do we have to give it the 'death' label I wonder?

I felt the same thing with my father's transition, though it took a few years before I was able to stop feeling sorry for myself and re-connect with him. And now he is with me always :)

Going to rehab was my liberation. They taught us to look inward and the first thing my councillor asked me to do was to write a letter to my father which was later burned. It was at this same clinic where I discovered 'The Secret' and life hasn't been the same since.

Happy days :)

Nice photo👍👍👍

There is one real birth and one real death. You are born once and you really die only once.

What is the real birth?

It is the birth of a "drop" in the Ocean of Reality.

What is meant by the birth of a "drop" in the Ocean of Reality? It is the advent of individuality, born of indivisibility through a glimmer of the first most-finite consciousness, which transfixed cognizance of limitation into the Unlimited.

What is meant by the real death?

It is consciousness getting free of all limitations. Freedom from all limitations is real death; it is really the death of all limitations; it is liberation. In between the real birth and the real death, there is no such reality as the so-called births and death.

What really happens in the intermediate stage known as births and deaths is that the limitations of consciousness gradually wear off till it (consciousness) is free of all limitations. Ultimately, consciousness, totally free of all limitations, experiences the unlimited Reality eternally. Real dying is equal to real living. Therefore I stress: Die for God and you will live as God.

THE PATH OF LOVE, pp. 76-77
1986 © Avatar Meher Baba Perpetual Public Charitable Trust

Beautiful words.

Thank you 🙏🏻

Loving the pictures. "When" you hike that ridge to the top of Mount Canigou I definitely want to see some pics :) I love getting high and I don't need a drug to do it because the world is full of magnificent views that give a feeling no drug can match I am sure. Wanted to upvote all your posts but am building up to have a slider for voting power so we'll have to be satisfied with a heart vote for now. Much love to you and your family!

Thank you for your ongoing support Vickie. Agreed 100%. A long time ago I went to rehab because I didn't know how high the world could make me without any drugs!

Funny you should mention the peak of the mountain. It has been calling to me. The top looks very beautiful. It isn't Everest but it would certainly be a 'high'. I plan on making the summit in Summer ;)

Color me there! I always like to see what is on the other side of a mountain :)

I would like to know who this Abraham is

It is an entity that is channeled through Esther Hicks. I met the Hicks long before the book "The Secret" came out. They were channelers. I used to do be into the idea of it, but have since changed my mind.

Thanks for the explanation. Amazing you were able to meet her so long ago. I understand even she was not into the idea of channeling at the beginning? And it was Jerry who helped her?

I am wondering what it was which changed your mind about channelling?

I was never really comfortable with it, but I was interested in it. But think about it, if you let some entity use your body, do you think there is no consequence? You exchange energy and something will be taken from you, whether you know it or not. And quite frankly, these beings didn't tell me anything I couldn't find out myself directly from intuition or even someone with supernormal ability of "psychic" abilities. And for me, they were often completely wrong. I've read some of what they say and I find it kind of confusing. It's not that this "Abraham" being doesn't know, but it's like any alive person. Wouldn't you rather go to the Universe itself, than to some person, that's taken over another person, that is telling you something? It's kinda like listening to ghosts. They may be able to tell you some things, but they are suffering beings in a certain dimension.
It's kinda like this, if you wanted an accountant, would you go to a ghost? Wouldn't you want a certified accountant with a talent for money? Sorry if I'm not explaining this too well, but I just don't think that giving up your body to some entity is a good idea, especially when you consider how many beings there are out there....
And I met them when she was just first starting to learn to channel the entity. She hadn't gotten far into it then.
I was pretty surprised when I saw that they were part of The Secret book, but not terribly surprised they were taken out of the book and movie.
To me, the focus of LOA and frankly any spiritual awareness or practice is for the person themselves to find their true selves. The more external you become, the less true this is in my opinion. Not to say I don't use external things, I do, (tarot) but I know to check with myself first and most of it is coming from me anyway, including tarot. Even if psychic reads me, which is rare since they have a hard time doing it, I still check with myself whether it's true or not. Inward self....
hmmm, hope this all made sense! haha!

A good analysis of death ..thanks for sharing.

My pleasure to share. Reading the words of Abraham has certainly taken much fear out of the idea of death for me :)

Love your photo seriously ,Respect for you bro @samstonehill

Thanks very much :)

Good one, sam. It's been a while.

Ride on..

thanks bro. Riding on with a smile ;)

Hope all is good with you!

Yes, Yes, Yes. I hope all is good with you too

I like your post