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Saturday, November 17, 2018.
Here Comes the Punishment!
Hosea 9: 1-9
Qs. 1,5. See Questions HERE.
About what is God's punishment in v. 1 a warning to us? God's people desire to be like other nations but why? Read Hosea 2: 19-20. The Lord Himself betrothed Israel as His chosen people, His priests, a holy nation, His veey own possession (1 Peter 2:9). We, like they, are to show others the goodness of God since he called us out of darkness into his wonderful light.
In the case of Israel, what was the result of economic property for them (vs 2-3)? We see increased spiritual prostitution, hence, God's punishment. Mention what punishment you find in vs 2-7.
They neglected God and his prophet. See what they got involved in (vs 7-8). Can we escape God's punishment if we were to be assessed side by side? We see people of God changing loyalty because their status had changed. God and the things of God became secondary matters. What do we see today in our society with increase in riches and possessions? We hardly have anymore time for deeper spiritual commitments. We pursue material things at the expense of God's purpose. How can we escape God's judgment when we have warnings ringing out from the pulpits and world events?
We must make haste to return to God.
Jolt us back to our sense dear Lord so we may escape your ultimate judgement.
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