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Tuesday, November 20, 2018.
God, our Grieving Father
Hosea 11: 1-11
Qs. 1,2. See Questions HERE.
God used tender parent-child imagery to convey His intense love for Israel. It's heart rending: God called over and again while Israel went further away following idols. God fed them, taught them to walk, healed and led them, removing their yokes. Yet, how did they pay God back (v. 7a)? How do you use God's blessings, talents, opportunities and endowments? Reflect on God's kindness, compassion, forgiveness and second chances. How do these affect the way you live now?
The coming doom will be so severe (vs 5-8a, 9a) that God intervened (vs 8b, 9b-11; Revelation 6:16). Israel will return to slavery under Egypt and Asyria "because they refused to repent". Just as parents grieve even while punishing their children, God also agonised seeing the doom his people brought upon themselves.
In your notebook, list God's promises to restore Israel and steps they were to take to realise this (vs 10-11). How does this apply to the immense refugee problems across our continent, Africa? Must God roar to get our attention? Let us quickly arise, come trembling and follow Jesus to resettle us both now and in His home above.
For reflection:
V. 1 is Messianic; also used to apply to Jesus. God had rescued Israel out of Egypt in Exodus, just as He called out infant Jesus (Hosea 12:9, 13; 13:4; Matthew 2:15). This remains a powerful symbol of how God delivers people from bondage through Jesus Christ.
Thank God for this.
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