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Wednesday, November 28, 2018.
Come Out Of Her, My People
Revelation 18: 1 - 24
Qs. 7 See Questions HERE.
In our passage today, God's glorious angel (v. 1) proclaimed with great authority the fall of Babylon the Great. Notice in vs 2-3 & 24, the reasons for her fall. Similarly, the world system today is infiltrated by evil spirits. Demonic operations are on the rise as seen increased cannibalism, ritualistic practices, occultism and outright rebellion against God's word manifesting in all forms of immorality. In addition, notice the description of World Trade and Commerce in vs 11-13! The Bible says, 'In one hour, such great wealth has been brought to ruin' (v. 17)! Our world today has become so busy. Many have become preoccupied with materialism and wealth - whatever the means, even in the church.
No doubt, this world will soon fall as declared by Jesus (Matthew 24:45) and reemphasised by the apostles (1 John 2:17) hence, God's warning to His people to come out from among them (v. 4; cf. 2 Corinthians 6:17; 1 John 2:15-16). Anyone who shares in the sins of the world will share in the associated disasters (vs 4-20) but anyone who heeds God's warning and lives a godly life will live eternally.
God's judgment will be fair (vs 5-7, 20) but sudden and fierce (vs 8-19)! No matter how glamorous anything that anyone builds is, the day of Judgement will reveal God's view of it; whether it will stand or be destroyed (vs 21-24).
So what:
Warn people all around you to desist from evil, and embrace Jesus Christ so as to escape destruction that will come on the world and all its lovers.
Grant me grace, Lord, to always warn people of the judgment that will be coming on sinners.
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