My Comfort Food #2
Yessss people! I'm excited to show you this food I would crave for from time to time! Like what I said in my introduction post, I am currently studying in Penang but my hometown is in Sabah. And sometimes I would catch myself missing and craving for this particular food (or dessert), but it is only available in a cafe back in Sabah Let's not wait any longer...
Let me present to you...
Yes, this is called the Honey Toast! If you're asking what is it made out of, well its basically :

Boyyyy let me tell you, I had this for my supper the other day with my close friend and I. ATE. LIKE. A. BABY. Like literally, with the amount of food I stuff into my mouth, I look like a freaking squirrel. And not only that, I had whipped cream all over my face. I. LOVED. IT.

If you're looking to try this Honey Toast, go check out October Coffee House in Kota Kinabalu! Oh and also, I LOVE visiting cafes! Though the food and drink there were pretty expensive, I liked the atmosphere and when I do have some extra money, I would love to go get some good coffee or nice desserts there! I even had a couple experience in working at two different cafes, but I'll let you all know more about it on my next post!

I like the scones there :) @maxyong & alicia
hahahaha must be cute freaking squirrel!!!!
OMG my fav too!!! sure order this everytime im thereeee
Looks so good! I love honey a lot too :") Will go try this when I get back!!
I like a guy who Cherishes his honey ;)