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RE: Seasoned With Sult N Papper : June 1, 2019> Hello, I am new here or at least it feels that way.

in #dailydose6 years ago

Well then...

I certainly can't take ALL the credit!! Rightfully so, you have a great deal of Steemians...people... who obviously care about you, my friend. As for the Appics app... no worries, it was really just an option I wanted to throw your way; I like it for the ease of posting, but I also like spending "hours" writing a bunch of gibberish and slapping photos in there! It depends on my day really...if MS is winning, it's Appics. If I have the "monster" somewhat under control, I enjoy taking the time to write a good post...

... potato, potahto?

Aluminum cans...

Oh now, that's good!! But you know there is NO such thing as a flying aluminum can right? Why that would be like... like... drinking the "kool-aid"... Ah, I digress...

The Concrete

Any thought to the rationale of combining with hempcrete? You knew I was going to ask!!

Again...great to hear from you, brother...


I don't know enough about hempcrete to say if there is any rational in combining the two together. My understanding is that hempcrete has very limited strength when it comes to load bearing compared to concrete and we are focusing more on large scale projects where strength and longevity are important considerations.
One place I do see ( and I am fond of) is the dome aircrete houses. I like the concept of aircrete and I think we have something to offer those folks building in that method but right now I haven't explored that like I need too. I would like to build an aircrete dome house at some point in the future with our admixture in the aircrete.
Thanks for the questions.

All I know is... whatever you end up doing, I think you will go far! You are dealing with things that are relevant to the future... exciting times ahead I pray for you man!!