Daily Diamonds From Authors Worth To Learn From #5

in #dailydiamonds9 years ago

Today you get a special #dailydiamonds ,because I not only wanted to give you motivation but exact methods to achieve success on steemit.

There is a certain know-how which you can use to become really successful and I wanted you to know that.

If you are following me you know that... 

I am here to help. 

With this daily diamond series I want to shape the way so newcomers don't have to go through all the frustrations like many others.

Will you face challenges? Sure

Will you feel depressed and discouraged? Sure

But you will know what signs to look for, what is ahead of you and what to overcome to achieve total success.

If you have not created any content but you want to make money:

1. How to Vote Smart and Profit From Steemit’s New Reverse Auction Voting Rewards (Just Implemented!)

The title speaks for itself. With the new voting sytem you can get a fair share of the profit and you can decide your own strategy to make the most out of the curation rewards:


2. From minnow to baby dolphin in only a few weeks - Why can't you do the same?

The most comprehensive guide to understand steemit and the strategy which you can use to get to the top. This is a multi author guide from the cream of the top to help you get through all the hurdles.


3. Have You Missed the Steem Boat?

Many of you may think it is over and you can't get your fair share of the system. Everyone else is blogging and making money yet you haven't seen a single penny. You arw wrong and this post will open your eyes for your possibilities.



Appreciate this! Just my 5th day on steemit with NO KNOWLEDGE of crypto currencies whatsoever and have been scrambling to comprehend more fully.
Cheers! upvoting

Wonderful! This is why I wanted to post this so badly! Have a happy ride mate!

Sounds like sage advice, helps me relax a bit with time to read and discern, because i only want to vote for what i truly appreciate!... will try this out for awhile! ( watching to see what happens after the 30 minute mark on this post, lol!)...Thanks! upvoting

Just do it! :) I was observing a lot of big guys recently and I saw only one common thing. The posted almost every day on a variety of topics. Not junk but at least some short clear thoughts which provided some value. It needs about one month to get recognised. Keep it up!

Another wonderful post (or rather collection of posts!) - thank you for doing this : )

@freewill this is why I do what I do. I can't express how wonderful it feels to get comments like yours. I really appreciate it! :)

No problem at all!

Thanks :)