Spring bicycle trip - Bridges

in #cycling6 years ago (edited)

Now that Vincent (@vcelier) has left for Poland I am back in my old routine - one and a half hour of either walking or biking. Today I took the bicycle-bridge route, that I enjoyed very much ten days ago, but this time I took a lot of pictures.

I started taking photos at Kongens Nytorv. Here you see Charlottenborg where I for six years attended: The Royal Danish Academy of Fine Arts (notice all the royal upper case letters!)

Nyhavn (new harbour) was once a place for sailors and people who wanted to have some fun, some beers, a beating, or a Tattoo. Now it is mainly for tourists.

Back in November I wrote about my brother in law who had refitted one of the ships here in Nyhavn with a new aft deckhouse. I couldn't see it today and I was eager to get on, but it should be here somewhere.

Here is the Nyhavn bridge. In the rush hour this place is very busy. But today it was not bad.

Looking to the east from the bridge you can see the Operahouse, the old navy wharfs and a warship (quite small, you have to be a pixel counter to see it.)

The view to the west, with the bridge called Knippel's bridge

On the other side you are on Christianshavn. There was a lot of small bridges here for cyclists and pedestrians.

Looking back at the Nyhavn Bridge

A pretty house boat

Christianshavn is a place with a strange mixture of old and new houses. These are old.

Path to the old ramparts of Christianshavn.

Apartments seen from the ramparts.

Biking in height with the second floor (third floor in the US)

Beautiful old trees. I love trees.

A couple of kilometres later I am at Islands Brygge bridge. Busy in the rush hours, but not on a Sunday.

Last time i was here I wouldn't have been able to take a photo. Too many people on bikes. But today almost nobody on the bridge called the bicycle snake.

The last bridge... and the longest. Enghave bridge crossing the rail tracks south-west of the main station

All in all about 19 kilometers.


Let me tell you what I think of bicycling. I think it has done more to emancipate women than anything else in the world. It gives women a feeling of freedom and self-reliance. I stand and rejoice every time I see a woman ride by on a wheel…the picture of free, untrammeled womanhood.

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Haha, yes, you might be right about that. Copenhagen is famous for its bicycle girls, and nobody can order a Copenhagen girl around, so it could actually be the bike that does it? Thanks for the comment!

It's hard to believe the New Harbor is real, what an architectural rainbow -- it looks fantastic. And Sunday was indeed a "sun" day in Denmark! Looks like bike riders are treated as "full" partners in your country, no wonder you enjoy these bike trips so much.

But today it rained :) I was on a long trip with my youngest daughter all the way to Christiania, but on the way home we had to sit the worst of this deluge out in a coffee shop.


Oh that sucks. We've got the opposite situation, it's been very dry and the trees have been going nuts producing pollen. Took this photo the other day of a drainage pond near a meadow -- that's pollen :-0


Some rain would be a welcome relief here :-/

Looks like an abstract painting. I prefer a bit of rain to drought and you get used to rain when you live here. My daughter actually laughed when we took the last part of the journey. "Cycling in rain is fun!" she said.

:-) The joy of childhood

Looks like a nice ride. I did my longest ride in a long time today. I may do more cycling after my half marathon to explore our area.

Always nice to bike when the weather is like this. Looking forward to your bike posts - I remember a good one you made that really captured the adventure of going about on the small roads.

I prefer to keep off main roads. This route met that requirement. Just had to cross a few roads.

Lovely to cycle if there's not many hills (which there is where I live). Weather looks great too. I just returned from Geneva and like many places in Europe cycling is very mainstream. It is gaining some traction in the UK too, but we really do have a lot of catching up to do.

Copenhagen is flat as a pancake, so that makes everything a bit easier. On the federated social network called Diaspora I follow some Brits that are biking and fighting the political battles - for bike lanes, against mandatory bike helmet. I hope it becomes more common around Europe. It is the solution to a lot of the problems we have in our big cities.

Bike lanes are more common than they used to be, but still far from being on every road... but what's this about mandatory helmets? On checking they are still 'advisory' here, though it is a damn good idea to wear one now. There's simply a lot more cars than there used to be. I prefer to ride off-road now, I really don't feel safe on the roads anymore. England is still not a very cycle friendly country.

I think the discussion is going on in many countries... about the helmets, and the Diaspora bike enthusiasts are equally pissed about helmets in NZ. It is of course safer to wear one, but the argument is about why cyclists have to wear it when all data shows that pedestrians and car-drivers would benefit just as much from a helmet.

Just checked @vcelier 's blog because I am in Poland too :-)

In 2015 I almost came to Denmark ................almost, because the trip was sadly cancelled :-( from the pictures I can see that I am missing a lot.

Many beautiful places in Poland too, but Copenhagen can be nice when the weather is good :) So I hope you will make it one day.

Got myself admitted to SDU but couldn't manage the fees. Still would like to come to the country for sure and visit the robotics labs at DTU as well.

your city is very clean and neat. where our roads are full of vehicles and smoke, if we want to ride we choose rural roads, rocky roads, I usually ride bike to my garden, I really enjoy bike ride from motorcycle, healthy and pollution free

We have a lot of cars too! They are coming in from the suburbs. I would hope more people could see the benefit in cycling. It is cheap, you can repair the bike yourself, it is clean and it is healthy.

where we are cycling only the poor or very rich people, but cycling because I know it is healthy and also because I do not car and motorcycle, ha ha ha

You are the avant garde of cycling where you live. Keep up the good work. People might start following you.

thank you for your encouragement support

WOW . Wonderful photography .
THe operahouse , Knippel's bridge, Nyhavn bridge are really great .

Thank you for Sharing your post .

what an amazing place this is! Just amazing. Thanks for giving us the chance to see it....

Thanks for again...

wow very beautiful location ,excellent this post good job ,thanks for sharing.