5 Reasons why you MUST wear a Bicycle HELMET

in #cycling6 years ago (edited)

Streets and Lanes could become to a Trap. A Trap for you! You on your Bike. "Why?"

Because the ground could be slippery especially when it rains, in the fall or even in the winter.

But not only the weather could be a enemy for a cyclist. It`s also the other users of the streets like car driver or still pedestrians. But you can reduce the risk to hurt yourself immense. "But how?"


Here are 5 good Reasons why you should use a Helmet:

1. Your Hairstyle isn't a good argument


A lot of people especially young and older people are not aware that they should use a Helmet while riding a bicycle.
Or better: They don`t like to use one.

Mostly they are arguing with the reasons "Wearing a Helmet looks not good" especially the younger ones.

The older people saying often "its to hot under the helmet" or "Where should I put my helmet when I finish riding?"

But PLEASE!!!! Every helmet is better than no one! No excuses !

2. Big danger: Crossroad

A lot of car drivers are concentrated. They are so concentrated that they are only watching on their lane. They dont watch left, they dont watch right ... and often on the side where they are not looking is a cyclist. So you need to beaware. But if you are wearing a helmet, you are SAFER! Because if your head takes damage thats not good. You can fix a car, you can fix a bycicle but you can`t easily fix your HEAD !!!

3. The Helmet helps a lot

Luckily on the most accidents, the head is not always the injured part of the body because the Head is the important part of the body. If your head isn`t working, nothing works.

4. He should sit well

You have to attach the helmet properly to the head so that it also protects properly. If the helmet is not attached right you are risk damage on your head if you fall on it.

5. Helmets look good

The last reason is that a Helmet is looking good in my opinion. You need to search a good looking helmet for yourself. Than you are safe and you are looking also good :-)
When I hear people saying: "I don`t look good with a helmet thats the reason why I have no helmet" .... I could cry. Mostly I argument that you have only one life... safe it.


( all pictures are mine !!! The whole article is written by myself. Don't use it without a permission )


I got a concussion when I was hit by a car even while wearing a helmet. I could only imagine how much worse this would have been if I wasn't wearing one.

As for where to put it when done riding, I just lock it to my bike.

A helmet is no guarantee but you know it, better than no helmet. Safety first and ride on! :-)

My first helmet (late 80s) was one of these- https://thecabe.com/forum/threads/vintage-cinelli-leather-hairnet-bicycle-helmet.101807/

Back then, you could choose between a lightweight leather Cinelli "hairnet" that offered almost no protection (but was race legal), or a heavy hardshell helmet that might protect your head, but was hot and really uncomfortable. These days though, most every cycling helmet is light, well-vented, and comfortable, so there is no reason not to wear one.

That Vintage helmet looks really crazy :D Yes these days the helmets are looking quit nice :-)

Good post mate! When I see someone cycling without a helmet I almost always make the effort to go up to them and ask them what the deal is. I've seen some really bad cycling crashes and if these guys weren't wearing helmets they would probably be dead right now, so I think some people still need to understand that

Thank you :-) Yeah there are so much people which don`t use a helmet... safety first... but most of them are learning their lesson when its to late

Im I cyclist, not professional but a daily cycler, a couple of weeks ago I had an accident, I wrote a post about it it already expired but you can check it. Long story short, I hit my head on the ledge of the street, my helmet saved my life, I even broke my computer that was in my bag, but it still works anyway. Definitely you should always wear a helmet.

Yes I read your blog entry. You are lucky only have the injury on your shoulder. So ride safe for the future :-)