in #curse8 years ago


Dear parents , how often do you bless your children as opposed to curse them when incited to a rot and pushed to the wall? This is a basic inquiry each parent should remember, knowing fully well they go from Toddler to Adulthood. And every one of the errors/a portion of the missteps related with growing up stages were made.

This makes me to a stride further to encourage parents to constantly bless as opposed to curse particularly when it concerns their children.

In the first place what is the word curse? Curse is a solemn utterance intended to invoke supernatural power to inflict harm or punishment on someone or something. It is also a Magic words that are intended to bring bad luck to someone.source

The articulating of a curse or the incurring of a curse shows another reasonable case of human insidiousness mindedness or malice in the gross abuse of the human word. It is the will of God that the human creature should develop and not devastate with the developmental power that is characteristic in the beauty of the human word given to us to use for our profound developing in any plane of Creation where we get ourselves.source

A curse is basically a human word-shape that is permeated with a volition and substance that isn't right and wickedness. To be more particular, such word-frames are delegated wicked structures since they are conceived of a natural volition to hurt, obstruct, tie, abuse and confine. The substance of a curse constantly is plainly underhanded. By chance, the word-type of a curse is self-pushing, that is, it is portable and it can drive itself through time and space due to the power from the otherworldly instinct or profound volition that brought forth it.

Indeed, even in the great book said there is power in the tongue thus parents should watch what utterances they make when they are irate at their children. Most time these curses laid out of outrage goes far to influence the child in the closest future and a short time later the parents will start to run higgledy piggledy searching for a favored answer for handling the momentum circumstance of their child's prosperity not knowing they are the ones to be blamed for their child's present predicament.

By what method can a father/mother tell his or her child out of outrage that it will never be well with you only for a simple misstep?that child committed a basic error right then and there yet the wound up laying curses on that child for an existence time.

As a parent I would prompt that all guardians ought to be aware of what they say regardless of how furious they are on account of what you say may come to chase that child and trust me you will be dragged into it directly or indirectly

In summary, never curse yet constantly bless regardless of what your child or ward does to you since you were one time as innocent as that child and you committed comparable errors as well. Or maybe correct the child with affection/utilize the rod , better still bless and not curse them!

Thanks for reading.


*Badge made by **@jodipamungkas


True talk. I got to know about this when I was a teen. So I often corrected my parents each times they reign course on me. Because you can call a child an idiot and expect him to behave normally. @Sweetestglo-eu thanks for your message

I wish my neighbor can read this. Maybe she'll change for good.

the rate of cursing nowadays is too much, i pray there is change in some parent life

The use of sinister language by parents on their children has far more reaching consequences both spiritually and psychologically. Many a parent have cursed their children to no repair that they are currently reaping the fruit of their evil words. To me cursing is akin to witchcraft. Parents should desist from this attitude but rather bless their children.

There is power in out tongue. I prefer to use the rod than to say negative things to a child. Rod is not bad cos kids are different. What works for one may not work for another. So rod shouldnt be removed completely but should be done with love

My mum used to be guilty of this. She is hot tempered. She say odd things to her children but over the years she has really changed.

I guess its common for we the Yoruba ppl or maybe it is because i am not that exposed to other tribes. But in all, it is a very bad thing and it can affect the child.

Thanks for sharing

My mum do say, your daughter will do to you what you're doing to me... 😂 thanks for reading.

Same here and she says omo buruku too (bad child)

It's so common. Some parents are just like that, it's in them and they really need to change about it. At the end of the day, they'll say their child is going wayward when the curse from them is what's working and they don't know. God help our parents.

The era of using of rod to correct children has passed.. That was in our time.

It depends on how you use it, remember the bible said spare the rod and spoil the child. I still believe in the use of rod!

The words...they're hard to forget. That's the thing

I think this is 'African' in the proper sense. Here that there are lot of 'spirits' walking up and down. It is well with them.

We need to also walk up to them and ask them to pray for us. Most of them are guilty.

😂😂😂 My philosopher boss, i hail ooo