
so they're only using stone but no paper? I'm confused, so if you would like to use this stone in a different currency. You will just sell the stone? It's so rare about this kind of money. My connection is very slow, I couldn't see any images..dang..hehe

Posted using Partiko Android

Their primary currency is US Dollars, but this is a currency they have had for hundreds of years and still use for large purchases.

ah..that makes sense, I thought it's the stone. How stupid I am to think like that.haha

Posted using Partiko Android

It is the stones. Just it isn't their only and primary currency. It was for years, but now they also use US Dollars.

They do trade these big stones for thousands of dollars and use it just like gold. They are worth a lot, the smaller ones are worth $6K+.

ah, sorry marky I haven't seen the vudeo yet. Can this currency be obtained while working also or they'll just buy it through USD? It's interesting, I'll look it into it some other time.

Posted using Partiko Android

They are used for large purchases so they wouldn't be used for salary.

ah okay, thanks for enlighten my ignorance. 😀

Posted using Partiko Android

That's so bizarre but interesting. It all seems very confusing and kind of makes me think of what it would be like to buy something at a grocery store with an old oil painting. Lol They must have good booking skills to keep track of ownership. I wonder if their ledgers are centralized or decentralized?

Posted using Partiko Android

but what is the STEEM exchange on them? ;>

Probably it's valued by the dollar value of STEEM and the particular Rai stone.

Never heard of that. Would be cool to buy a small one for the display case.

Posted using Partiko iOS

This is how mysterious and how strange the world of money is. This only means that money comes to anything from stone to digital contract as long as it comes with value and use by certain group or community.

wow! I was very unaware that this kind of stuff still exists. Very good content. Thanks for sharing with us.

I enjoyed learning about these in the book “the bitcoin standard”, such a crazy concept to use massive stones as money. I will upvote you 0.00001 RAI for your hard work putting this article together 💸

I think there is a cryptocurrency called RaiBlocks that is also called Nano.