Application For Community Curators Oktober 2022 | By @waterjoe

Hi @steemitblog
When I read the announcement made by @steemitblog about Steemit Update [ 15 September 2022 ] : Community Curator for October - Open Application I was very enthusiastic about the announcement made by steemitblog about Community Curator for October 2022 Source. It made me enthusiastic again to re-register and apply to be one of the potential community curator candidates for October 2022.
Details of each position of responsibility you hold on Steem : |
My name is @waterjoe, 48 years old and I have been here since February 2021. I have had two months experience when I joined in :
- The month of September is still running until now, I am still working on curating by joining the Curation Team 5. This valuable experience has added to the curating hours that I have done well and thoroughly. To provide curation with a wider reach because here I and four friends from different countries work well together to complete tasks according to the curation schedule that we mutually agreed on and we do curation by voting freely to curate any content posts and quality comments across the Steemit platform.
- In July and August I finished curating well when I joined The Efficient Seven curator team, this experience gave me the ability to do curation carefully when given the trust to carry out tasks according to the tags #poetry, #creativewriting, #art.
I as one of the Moderators in the Steem SEA community verify every post on Steem SEA so that Steemian friends can improve the quality of their writing content gradually.
I consistently write on the Steemit platform as a means to test and continue to hone my writing skills and regularly do Power Ups to support the #club100 campaign. I also consistently give voice support to Steemian's writings as a form of motivation for them every day.
As an Indonesian Country Representative, I provide guidance to newcomers until they are proficient in running their Steemit blog account, become a mentor to my friends who have just joined the Steemit platform Click Here for more details
Details of specialist or professional skills or expertise you have in 'real life |
My data in the last education Bachelor of Engineering has infrastructure expertise related to Geotechnical, Transportation, Management, Construction, Environmental Engineering. I am currently working as an expert in East Aceh Regency in the Village Community Development and Empowerment Program which has generalized the main tasks and functions to:
- Disseminate Policies Related to Villages
- Monitoring Village Development Activities
- Facilitating Village Development Accountability
- Advocating for Village Development Regulations
- Advocating for Handling Village Development Problems
- Facilitating the Formation of Village Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa)
- Facilitating the Development of Village Owned Enterprises (BUM Desa)
- Facilitating Village Cooperation with Third Parties
- Facilitating Inter-Village Cooperation
- Facilitating Village Government Capacity Building
- Conducting Mentoring for Mentors
- Evaluating the Performance of Companions
- Prepare Reports on the Results of Mentoring Work
As a district expert, I have colleagues at the sub-district level, 82 village assistants and 133 local village assistants, all of these personnel are extensions of our hands to assist the implementation of the village fund program in East Aceh district which has an area of 24 sub-districts. and 513 villages
I live in Indonesia and speak Indonesian, English which I can read fluently.
However, when I did curation smoothly, I checked Post Per Language Spanish, Philippine, Turkish with the help of Google Translate
Your key stats - have SP, CSI, Reputation, Delegates. |
My Steemit platform blog account has 16,023,814 SP in order to support voting for other Steemian posts. I routinely vote and comment on every Steemian post to motivate them
Account reputation 72,634
CSI Vote 12.7
Delegation to steebetterlife 100.943 SP, steempreneurship 100. 943 SP steemseacurator 100. 943 SP
Any subject you are passionate about curating. |
I love curating in creative writing, diary, lifestyle, poetry, art, photography, business and food
Minimum team size you are willing to serve (1 - 7). |
I am ready to work in a team of 5 to 7 people
About me 👉@waterjoe |
Ucapan yang sangat menakjubkan...👍👍👍yang pantas saya @wengayo sematkan kepada bapak Mentor @waterjoe, karena begitu detail sekali penjelasan nya mengenai Curricullum Vitae dan pengalaman bapak selama di Platform Steemit ini. Di buktikan dengan keberhasilan saya yang baru bergabung di Platform Steemit yang sangat kita banggakan ini. Saya baru bergabung di Platform ini diawal Agustus 2022 lalu, tapi dari kerja keras bapak mentor @waterjoe
selaku Country Representative Indonesia yang memberi bimbingan kepada saya sebagai pendatang baru. Sehingga saya sudah bisa menulis dengan cukup baik dan mampu untuk menjalankan akun blog Steemit saya dengan baik. Apalagi ditambah dengan keberhasilan pada salah satu dari postingan saya dapat meraih sebagai postingan terpilih dan terbaik hingga didua kontes sekaligus yaitu kontes pameran dan seni serta kontes pesta atau party yang baru lalu, Alhamdulillah... Ini semua melalui dari bimbingan dengan segala hormat bapak Mentor @waterjoe beserta arahan dan masukkan yang saya terima dari Moderator lainnya dan Admin yang ada di SteemSea Community yang dimana tempat saya belajar dan berkembang untuk maju pastinya selama ini, Aamiin... Sekali lagi terima kasih banyak ya bapak Mentor @waterjoe dan kepada bapak Mentor lainnya serta Admin di SteemSea Community.... In Syaa ALLAH bapak @waterjoe sehat-sehat dan masih dipercayakan sebagai Team Kurator Komunitas periode Oktober ini, Aamiin...🤲👍🙏🙏
Terimakasih kembali dan saya sangat senang membaca komentar nya. :)
Salam hormat selalu dari @waterjoe
Saya yang harus mengucapkan terima kasih banyak pak dan salam hormat juga dari saya @wengayo...🙏👍
You have written a detail application here sir, I have been opportune to work with and I must say you are a very hardworking and dedicated steemian. I wish you success in this applications my friend.
Thank you so much bro for your support :)
Melihat pencapaian dan aktivitas bapak selama ini maka Saya sangat mendukung bapak @waterjoe menjadi team kurator untuk edisi oktober 2022. Fighting and steem on!!
Wish you all the best ..
Terimakasih banyak untuk dukungan nya :)
Seperti Thanos yang menjadi julukan untuk Anda pak. Iya selama ini saya telah melihat bagaimana pekerjaan Anda saya harus mengakui memiliki nilai-nilai yang sangat luar biasa. Anda layak menjadi bagian ini kembali, semoga sukses dan selalu memberikan keberuntungan itu kembali...
Bagus juga itu cincin Thanos nya pak bagikan saya satu😁
Terimakasih banyak untuk dukungan yang telah diberikan :)
Cincin dengan batu giok dari alam pegunungan Aceh ini koleksi pribadi saja :)
Salam hormat dari saya @waterjoe
We really hope you will be selected to continue you work sor @waterjoe
Thank you very much for giving your support :)
You have presented to us a very good application and with your experience in this field, I believe you will continue serving as a good curator
Wishing you many success in this application
Thank you for your support :)
Your wisdom and experienced on the platform is commendable. Good luck with your application team 5 mate.
Thanks very much :)