Steemit Update [ January 26th, 2024 ] : Community Curators for February

Thank you to all 41 people who took the time to submit an application to become a Community Curator for February.
There was again a strong field of candidates this month, making selection of the seven teams for February as difficult as usual.
Community Curator Teams for February 2024
For February we have continued with the plan of smaller team sizes. All seven teams consist of just four members. This will mean each member earns higher rewards as a Community Curator.
We have again made more changes to the teams to help expand the reach of the curation and to allow more people to have a chance to be Community Curators.
The plan will be to continue to rotate team members frequently so if you were not selected this month please do apply again next time.
Between the seven curation teams there will be 28 community curators with a total of 4 million SP in February.
The teams selected for February are…
- @el-nailul [Indonesia]
- @lirvic [Venezuela]
- @o1eh [Ukraine]
- @sualeha [Pakistan]
- @dove11 [India]
- @patjewell [South Africa]
- @shiftitamanna [Bangladesh]
- @wilmer1988 [Venezuela]
- @edgargonzalez [Venezuela]
- @eliany [Nigeria]
- @f2i5 [Indonesia]
- @solaymann [Bangladesh]
- @alejos7ven [Venezuela]
- @chant [Cameroon]
- @malikusman1 [Pakistan]
- @muzack1 [Indonesia]
- @inspiracion [Venezuela]
- @irawandedy [Indonesia]
- @kouba01 [Tunisia]
- @msharif [Bangladesh]
- @ashkhan [Pakistan]
- @goodybest [Nigeria]
- @radjasalman [Indonesia]
- @yonaikerurso [Venezuela]
Congratulations to everyone selected for one of the seven teams.
Please would one person from each team confirm acceptance in a comment below and include their contact details (Discord / Telegram).
Then would the other members of each team add their acceptance to their respective starter comment along with their contact details (Discord / Telegram).
We will then be in touch to provide the keys for the accounts.
Teams are free to select a leader if they want and need to.
If anyone selected is not wanting to participate in their chosen team for any reason, please let us know in a comment as soon as possible and we may introduce substitutes.
Curation Guidelines
For Teams 1 - 5 we are continuing with the free-ranging curation.
There will be no specific themes - each team will be free to vote on posts on any subject.
We also want teams to look beyond communities. There are many good posts that are outside of any communities - just directly on people’s personal blogs.
Teams should seek out good posts everywhere - both within communities, and outside of communities.
Voting on comments should also be continued.
Good comments can be as interesting and as valuable as good posts.
We want good comments to be encouraged and rewarded.
Therefore for February we are again looking for the curation teams to continue to allocate some of their voting capacity to comments.
Team Burn
As contests are now well established the specially targeted Team Millionaire has been suspended for a while. Now all Teams will be free to support good contests amongst their general curation mix.
Taking the place of Team Millionaire again this month will be Team Burn.
Team Burn will be using the @steemcurator03 account with 1 million SP to reward #burnsteem25 posts that have correctly set a 25% beneficiary to @null.
The Team should concentrate on #burnsteem25 posts that are also in #club5050, #club75, and particularly #club100.
Burning STEEM by sending it to the @null account helps reduce the supply of STEEM and so increase its price.
Team Newcomer
As outlined in our recruitment post Team Newcomer is a specialist curation team dedicated to supporting newcomers through their first three months on the platform.
The team will be helping people through the Newcomers Achievement Tasks in the Newcomers Community and also curating their other posts anywhere during their first three months on the platform.
All teams should ensure the posts they curate are plagiarism free and not using images from copyrighted sources.
Teams should also give preference to posts that are steem-exclusive, bot free, non AI generated and by authors in club5050, club75 or club100.
We are happy to see some flexibility on these guidelines (apart from plagiarism) for posts of the highest quality. This especially applies for Team Newcomer.
The @steemcurator accounts should only be used for voting and commenting. They should not be used for downvoting or making posts.
A comment should be left on each post voted to let the author know the post has been supported by the curation team - and please include which member of the team selected the post.
How the Curation Teams will be rewarded
Every day the teams will be allowed to allocate one full vote to a team member’s post - ideally in rotation.
In total therefore no more than 10% of the account’s voting power should be used on team members each week.
Additionally each week one member should post a report for the team in the Steem POD community with a list of their top 7 posts, with a brief note of why each post was chosen.
These weekly report posts should set beneficiaries to be shared with other members of the team.
The posts will be voted by @steemcurator01.
We strongly encourage teams to ensure all members review and agree on the merits of the selected posts of the week as poor choices may influence the reward given to the weekly report by @steemcurator01.
February will again present new challenges for the Community Curators.
We also very much hope the February Curators will seek out the best posts across the wider platform, avoiding the ‘easy pickings’ to be found amongst their own friends and communities.
Thank you
The Steemit Team
Thank you so much for this new opportunity to provide our support as community curators in the month of February.
@irawandedy [Indonesia]
@kouba01 [Tunisia]
@msharif [Bangladesh]
Discord: #inspiracion
Thank you so much for selecting me as a community curator for month of February.
Discord - msharif#5177
A new and great Team2!
Thank you for seeing the potential in all of us!
I am sure my teammates won't mind me accepting on their behalf.
Discord: patjewell
It's a pleasure to greet my new team 2, we're going for great results for this coming February
@dove11 [India]
@patjewell [South Africa]
@shiftitamanna [Bangladesh]
Discord: wilmer1988#7749
Thanks, I am looking forward to supporting the best posts under seniors' guidance!
It would be great to work with you. That will give me more opportunities to learn the finer points. Thank you so much for accepting the responsibility on behalf of the team. My best regards! Discord #7685 (dove11)
I am looking forward to the month of February. It is going to be an exciting one.
I can't find your Discord
#7685 @dove11, I have just sent you a FR, thank you!
I'm very grateful to the Steemit team for choosing me as a curator for the upcoming month. I accept the role. Also, I would like to congratulate my team members.
My Discord : shiftitamanna#1996
Hi sister
Greetings. Thank you very much for the trust you give us to manage this important team. I accept with great responsibility the role of curator for this month of February.
@enamul17 [Bangladesh]
@harferri [Indonesia]
@josepha [Nigeria]
Congratulations to we, all those selected.
This is great news for me. Congratulations to all of us who have been selected.
This is my discord Id : enamul17#1941
Thank you for this extraordinary trust in this team.
Discord : harferri
Thank you for your trust in us on the Newcomers team.
@ashkhan [Pakistan]
@goodybest [Nigeria]
@yonaikerurso [Venezuela]
Saludos amigo, un placer volver a trabajar contigo
Thank you. I accept this opportunity.
**Thank you for the trust, role accepted. Congratulations to all who made it to the month of February.
Discord: goodybest
I am glad to have a wonderful team. I welcome all of my team. We will have a great month. Congratulations my team 🎉🎉
Please respond here. mentioned below my discord ID,
Take love 💖
It it my privilege to accept this role and to work effectively, I'm happy to work this great minds as well. Thank you
Discord eliany#3544
I am happy to accept this responsibility to work as well as possible with a very complete team.
My discord f2i5#2937
Congratulations brother ❤️
Congratulations to all those selected for this new month! It is a pleasure for me to be part of this new team.
Mi discordia: edgargonzalez#5531
Congratulations to all selected curators
Congratulations and best of luck to all the Steemians selected as Community Curators for February. I hope that you will properly fulfill this great responsibility assigned to you and encourage users to continue their work on Steemit.
And @msharif @solaymann @enamul17 and @shiftitamanna I wish you all the best for getting such a big responsibility as a user in Bangladesh.
I just woke up, and its and amazing surprise in the morning. This made my day. Thank you so much, dear Steemit Team, for the trust. I accept this role and will try to do my best.
@alejos7ven [Venezuela]
@chant [Cameroon]
@muzack1 [Indonesia]
Congratulations dear team members. Please accept the role by replying this comment.
My Discord : malikusman9093
Thanks again ❤️.
My Discord: muzac#3109
It will be great to work with you again
It’s a pleasure working with you again. Congratulations to all selected.
My Discord : chant9602