Turkish-Trail Introduction
Turkish-Trail Introduction
Dear Steemians - the offical Turkish-Trail is now born. This curation account is created to help and support the turkish community on Steemit.
This Trail will help finding and rewarding great contents related to Turkey and writings in turkish language with the tag 'TR'.
Turkish-Trail will introduce to the Steemit community turkish curators and new turkish members, which are finding their way to Steemit.
Rules and Guidelines
Some general guidelines to follow to increase chances of receiving support and recommendations for curation by this account.
1- Original Content – We would like to see original writing and personal touches in your posts
2- Correct Tags – If your post is primarily about Turkey or in turkish language, then please tag it accordingly by using 'TR'. This will help sort the posts that we curate for the category.
3- Do not forget Citations – Content that is simply copied & pasted will not be eligible for curation. If you’re using images, quotes, or copied information from other source, cite them please.
4- Formatting and Writing – You all know a well-written post is important for readers, proofread your content before you hit the publish button and consider using Markdown or Editor at least (know it is not easy but helps you)

If your posts meets our guidelines in form of tagging 'TR' and writing in turkish language, maybe you can get our support for that posts.
These are just some tips and guidelines that should help you receiving maximum support by this curating account which is a part of @steemtrail
Our best wishes to you dear Steemians
The Turkish-Trail

oh my god!
the view and your photos are just so beautiful.
I will sure choose this place as my next destination of my trip.
I have been to Taiwan, Japan, Thailand before and never stepped out of Asia(I am grom Hong Kong by the way)
Thank you for your introduction to this beactiful country
my pleasure @yskz001 :)
istanbul is a place you must see. if you will be there some a days, then i am sure you will enjoy it ;)
Merhaba Turkish-trail!
Excellent endeavour.
I really look forward to sharing all of my Turkey related content with you, with the Turkish community, and the broader Steemit community.
i would be happy to see them in the near future @steemee :)
Umarım hepimiz için hayırlı olur. Attığımız postlar boşa gitmesin hep beraber büyüyelim. Steem'de Türk topluluğu adından söz ettirsin.
Hesab daha yeni oldugundan daha tam calismiyor ama ayarlar tamamlandiginda yavas yavas hep beraber güzel bir sekilde büyümeye adimlar atacaz insallah @ingiltere :)
Congratulations @turkish-trail!
Your post was mentioned in my hit parade in the following categories:
thanks you @arcange for the good news! ;)
Hayırlı olsun :)
hepimize @xzone ;)
Welcome to Steem @turkish-trail I have sent you a tip
thanks a lot @bottymcbotface ;)
Welcome to this platform and wish you have a good time in it
thank you ver much @ercpok :)
This is great! We need more multicultural representation on steemit.
Süper fotoğraflar ve hesap olmuş. Hoşgeldin @turkish-trail!!
tesekkürler hosbulduk @misalen