Caught You Doing Greatness!! - #1

in #curation6 years ago

There are those moments when we are captivated by the actions of others.

These people or groups that move as one make the difference in our lives daily that cause us to live at the top of the rainbow with joy and happiness.

They give us hope, they empower us to get up, move forward, keep going and to dig deep to create from within ourselves works of greatness.

So, let’s take a moment to look at some of those on the Steemit Platform that have been caught doing greatness.

The Steemit School & The 100 Days of Poetry Challenge

There are no words that can cover the viral impact made by the Steemit School and the 100 days of Poetry Challenge.

It seems that everywhere I turn Poets connected to this movement have been popping up.

What can be said is that the Steemit School and the 100 days of Poetry has shifted the Steemit blockchain. It has become a lifeline for a multitude of people who have something to say and have been trying to lift their voices and be heard.
The most beautiful thing I have seen about this community/movement is that it has allowed many artists to find each other in a space where they all have been able to come together daily and interact, share in each other’s gifts and grow from this woven interconnected experience.

There is a powerful system in place that has caused those that have stayed connected to be accountable, responsible and involved. It has been like a literary Olympics where the internet world is watching.

First, I give a shout out and say thank you all the work done to make this movement a success. And thanks as well to all those that have kept the School and the 100 days of Poetry moving along like a Steam Engine.

Hat’s off to @d-pend and @dobartim and the entire Steemit School Dream Team for going above and beyond to make this Literary School/Community/Movement a success.

And to all the awesome, mind-blowing, take your breath away Poets that have appeared and presented their poetry and that continue to do so. These are some of the Poets that caught my eye and just a sample of their poetic gifts.








We look forward to more opportunities that The Steemit School will present to the Steemit Platform and beyond.

All images courtesy of


Thank you for this.

What an undertaking it has been. I have learned a lot about myself and have stretched further than I thought I could. In the process I have been enchanted by amazing poems from others, works that fully engaged my pondering mind and bestowed treasures in the form of inspiration and deeply emotional waves, currents that subtly altered my slant. A great gift indeed.

@d-pend and @dobartim and the Steemit School have really done something special here.

You are welcome @mamdini. Thanks to the Steemit School I have been led to connect with your beautiful gift as a poetic and I have been tremendously blessed by it personally, as a fellow poet and as a curator that is always searching to find the modern day poetic master of which you stand tall in the ranks.

Oh my :: blush ::

Thank you, Ren. I am a bit speechless here. ::bows deeply ::

thank you so much for firstly acknowledging the amazing poetry that has been created by everyone participating in the steemitschoolpoetry competition, I am constantly being inspired by what the poets are writing. I am so grateful for this challenge as it has really made me take time daily to be creative and in doing so nurture myself and improve myself. As a mother of 3 my time is always full and I can easily go with out taking any time for myself.
Thank you for including me amongst these amazing poets xxx

You are welcome @trucklife-family. There is a second post by the same name that will be coming out in the next day where I spotlight you as well as an overall star on Steemit (look for that). At first it was all one post but when I decided to spotlight the Steemit School the post got very long so I separated this one out. Between my blog and this one I am on a curation roll and right now all that is on my mind is curation there are so many Steemians doing amazing things that I wan to spotlight.

Thank you so much for this tribute to the 100 day poetry challenge. It has literally changed my life, and helped me navigate throigh the grief caused by the sudden and unexpected death of my husband who shared 36 years of his life with me. The chance to express my feelings and the connections I have made are priceless.