July 18 -- Steemit Ramble #102 -- Don't You Hate Missing Good Posts?

in #curation8 years ago

A lot of new people on Steemit these days, which is great. The downside is that I find myself going through even more really lame posts to find the good posts. While I see a lot of people think just because they spend whatever amount of time to create a post, others should just pay attention to them and vote. Well, newsflash, you need to earn my attention to get my vote. There are ways of doing so.

I don’t mind short posts if they actually have something to share. A well crafted comic can catch my attention as much as a long post. Posting a photo with nothing to tell me why that photo has value to you, has no value to me. I enjoy posts by artists where they talk a bit about what motivated the artistic piece.

As for videos. I am not a fan of video but, I know some messages are best conveyed by video. So, write an introduction that makes me want to click play on that video. Otherwise, I can’t be bothered, there is no value in using my time to see what may or may not be on the video.

On longer posts, short, well written paragraphs are a must. Longer paragraphs on a screen are tedious to read. That is a primary basic when writing for onscreen viewing. Your writing needs to pull me in and make me want to read the rest of the post. If my attention wanders, then it’s gone.

When I’m writing a Ramble, I’m looking for well crafted posts which catch my attention and lead me to want to share with others.

Onward to today’s rambling

To the night I will always remember

@capetowngirl writes a touching story of friendship. A great story, but, @capetowngirl, please don’t do your posts by centering the text, left aligned is so much easier to read.

15 Funny House designs around the world - Funniest and Strange

@krumpi has put together a post of photos of funny building designs from around the world. While I found the photos interesting and diverse, @krumpi could have greatly improved the post by writing some commentary on each photo like who the architect was, the location of the building and maybe even some detail about the premise of the building. But, the photos are cute, so enjoy.

New Painted Book Sculptures by Mike Stilkey

Artists use some fascinating mediums to create their art on. @asimpervez posts about an artist who uses salvaged books to create some fascinating paintings.

Life changes means Steemit changes. A move towards Community Activities. Last chance to request guides.

Getting along on Steemit can be challenging sometimes. There isn’t an official help section to go to. For those who want to know more about how to use the site and the platform @sykochica has created a series of guides to help you learn. A complete list of the guides is included in this post.

"Changing The WORLD Is A Myth" -- Instead You have To Change Something Easier To Achieve Greater Results !

@cryptonet writes a brief but to the point post about change. No one can truly change the world, we can change things in our own world which in turns changes our perception of how we experience the world.

Why you should never give up

@nirolf95 writes a brief but ageless post with a message that needs to be repeated often, especially when faced with a failure.

Robots Revolution: These Robots are already in Duty - The future is here

My formal education is as a robotic technician, a diploma I earned back in the early 1980s. Back then, robots were basically just starting to be used in factory assembly, particularly the car industry. It’s fascinating to see how far the use of robotics has come. @steemmaster provides some interesting photos.

The Best 10 Steemit Tools You Can Use to Grow Faster

@steem-buzz has put together a good post with a group of STEEM tools to use to help grow your account. Nicely done. I use several of them regularly, some of them occasionally and found a couple of new ones.

Feline thoughts

A truth so simply captured with humour. And of course a cat never hurts with me :)

The other face... A outra face...

@neidemaris writes a thoughtful post about the multiple faces we all have. Worth the read.

Being Present at the Stewart Park Music Festival and Taking Action as a Result.

How often do we find ourself physically present in a situation but our mind has wandered off to something else? @rebeccaryan writes about her challenge for herself to be present in the moment and what better time than while attending a community festival like the Stewart Park Festival in Perth, Ontario. Well written @rebeccaryan.

All You Need to Know About Steemit Witnesses

@globocop has written one of the better guides on what a witness is on the platform that I’ve seen. Well done and well worth the read.

Wrap-up on Day 102

Well, it has taken me most of the day today to comb through the chaff and come up with what I consider to be good posts. Several times I thought I had come across a really good post only to discover that the material came pretty much directly from another source (thank you cheetah). The moment I see the cheetah message, I wont share that link.

I’m off to a Legion meeting this evening. My first of this term as the Immediate Past President, which means I get to sit at the back of the room, listening and watching. As Past Prez, I can participate at the level I choose rather than as expected. It’s a nice spot to be after many many years of being where the buck stops.

Supporting and Upvoting

Let’s not forget folks. I’m sharing these posts not only because I like them. I’d really like to see them get support and upvoting.

Please Join the Curation Trail

If you’d like to support the posts I find and upvote while searching for the Ramble shares, please join my Curation Trail on Streemian

Until Tomorrow — Just Steem on

If you like this, please follow me and upvote the post.

If you’d like to see the other days I’ve posted, just visit my profile

If you’d like to be notified when I post next, join my mailing list here.

If you’d like to join my curation trail on Streemian, please click here

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Glad to see you are back, I was wondering what had happened to you.

Remember to pace yourself if you are unwell - just thinking about trying to find good posts in that mountain of rubbish nearly finishes me off!

Thank you @sift666 for your kind words and I have been pacing myself. I need to fully recover from this as I need to have surgery in the fall so don't want poor recovery now to impact that.

I'm thankful that the rubbish posts don't produce the odor that picture would. However, since I have no sense of smell.. does it matter LOL?

Hello @shadowspub , I'm so glad to discover this post of yours thanks to @rebeccaryan ! Really some amazing posts you mentioned up there!
Thanks for pushing for these authors to get noticed!
Respect to you!

Thank you @progressivechef, always nice to learn others appreciate what I share.

This is the type of post i like to see...

Thank you for bringing light to all the undiscovered authors here.
Definitely can use it with all the rapid influx of the "follow for follow" shitposters coming brand new from FB.....

Best Regards,
Steem Trust Meme.jpg

thank you @piercetheveil and I do agree.. there is a lot to comb through to find the gems. It is interesting the level of push that the follow for follow group exhibits. Don't know if they realize that pushing tends to turn people off from doing so unless they are really good content producers.

Thank you so much @shadowspub! I really appreciate what you are doing for all of us. Feedback is useful and I thought what you have provided was professional and constructive. I found it beneficial, especially the piece about keeping paragraphs short in longer posts. I completely agree.

Thank you @rebeccaryan I really appreciate your input as well. You do some great posts. Likely has something to do with being a good writer and a Canuck :)

Hahaha! There is no doubt, I am Canadian. Thank-you for telling me that you think my material is decent. It's been a tough road, at times , to hang in there this past year and keep at it.;)
I have to admit, that I am fundamentally opposed to buying whale votes which seem to be so rampant, right now. To me, that feels like cheating the system somehow. I am happy that what I have been able to accomplish (so far) has been a result of my own doing. Thanks again.

I tend to agree with you on the buying votes. If a whale sees my work and choses to upvote, I appreciate that but buying votes is not my thing. It takes longer to make the income, but it feels a lot better when it is earned. :)

Exactly! It just feels (to me) like the platform is being cheated, somehow. It doesn't feel authentic.

out of curiousity , I have used the randowhale service a couple of times recently. It did give me a return on my investment but I don't think it is something I'd do regularly.

I'm glad you liked my post will always be welcome! :) @shadowspub

I'm glad to discover your rambles! This one was re-steemed by @rebeccaryan.

You're right, it can be a challenge to find the quality stuff on here, even within the tags we're interested in.

I'm always so grateful when someone reads my stuff. I mean, they could have used that time to look at anything: video games, movies, social media feeds, porn. Or they could go outside and take a walk. So I'm always thinking, "Is there someone out there who would rather read this than play a video game?" or, "How can I keep their eyes off the porn for a few more minutes?"

You've got some good selections here. They've kept me reading, so thanks for that!

thank you for your kind words @winstonalden ... there are people who actually enjoy reading good content, or they wouldn't bother with my rambles :) they would just be rambling in the wilderness

As a newbie I am learning the "ropes". and reading/studding on what to do and what not to do. Content of a post is important. Not just rambling. @francisk has been a big help.

writing and content creating is a craft and worth learning in this world of content consumption.

Thank you again! You really took me by surprise ahah

Surprises are nice sometimes :) You're welcome

What a great surprise @shadowspub Much appreciate the company I am in here, too. Great picks. Followed for future selections.

Please do check out @dissarranged Jane's posts:

Thanks for the inclusion!

-ch @globocop

thank you @globocop ... I'll have a look at @disarranged ... friend of yours or just an author you like?

Thank you! She's a good friend I lured away from another social network. She is a biit shy but get's the hang of it around here.

yes, she does appear so. I have had a look at some of her material

Thanks my friend. Appreciate that.

giggles "Lured" away? Wasn't it more like, we stomped off? In a huff, as I recall. And thankfully you did steer me towards Steem!