My Thoughts On Manual Curation
Manual curation is time consuming. It can feel like being "an octopus playing whackamole," as @thebugiq so aptly put it. There’s no way I can get around to supporting everyone each day in the ever-growing community I’ve found through Steemit, though I try.
I really do. I have a running joke with @topkpop: “I’m trying to catch up,” I’ll say.
And we’ll laugh. ‘Cause there’s no such thing.
But manual curation has felt like the right thing for me, thus far, so let's go deeper into my reasonings. I'd love to hear your thoughts, as well.
Note: All photos in this post are mine, taken in San Juan del Sur, Nicaragua. I’m including peaceful pictures to lower my stress levels and help me stop thinking about all the posts I’m not reading and commenting on as I’m writing this one. Also, Steemit is an ocean, right? Ah, the soothing sound of the waves...
My two cents on manual curation and community building.
This post was actually born in the #steemsugars chat on discord, when @gabyoraa appeared and a few people said hello. I came in, saw a comment regarding bots, and left this response as a very lengthy welcome:
I do 100% manual curation. If you build community and put out high-quality content, persevere and you will do just fine. It comes down to making friends and supporting each other. This is a great community!
My two cents: Do what you can, but, to give you an idea, I try to upvote and comment on at least 3 other people's posts every time I drop one of mine in post-promotion. Often I'll end up visiting and supporting 5 or more.
If you show up, leave thoughtful comments, and upvote as your SP allows, you'll make friends. Talking in discord also is a major help. You get to know people. I've made SO many friends, and I have so much fun! Welcome to Steemsugars.
That's my perspective, of course. You do you. But it's possible to do it all via community, as many people are also curators. Have fun. Steem on!
Gaby was kind enough to thank me for my rambling "advice," though I hate to actually give advice. I know she'll find her own way. Everyone has a different approach.
I’ve heard some say leave 20 comments for every post you put on your blog. Others (myself included) are involved in a friendly curating competition run by @abh12345.
I still don’t believe in using voting bots to boost my own posts. I don't have issues with others using them, but I’ll stick to community and posting quality content in hopes of bigger marine mammals giving me a boost.
Did I mention my feed? No. That’s because I hardly look at it.
My primary place to find posts is on discord groups, through Pimp Your Post Thursday with @shadowspub, and seeing resteems on friends’ blogs.
Look at that blue. So peaceful. Ahhhh... Deep breaths.
Considering a curation trail.
There’s been talk of a curation trail in one of the groups I’m part of, and I’ve been weighing my thoughts on this.
On the one hand, if my voting % is turned way down, I have to ask, “What’s the point?” Wouldn’t it be better for me to be able to vote 30%, 50%, or even 100% on some of those posts?
On the other, the temptation of knowing I’m supporting everyone in my group without actually having to get to all of their posts is pretty appealing. I trust the curator and know the quality of content is going to be good…
But I’m still on the fence, because I’d rather read what I’m voting on first. Maybe I just have control issues. Lol! (This is totally possible.)
I’m also considering becoming a curator for @curie or @ocd, if they’ll have me, which would mean joining a curation trail. This trail I’d jump on willingly, having seen the caliber they’re choosing to reward and having been generously supported by @curie myself.
It’s been fun to see posts that have blown me away be rewarded from curation groups in the service of supporting under-valued content. I love how many of my friends have been Curied! That said, I’m still not sure if I’m ready to dedicate the time these curation guilds require. I feel like I’m still learning to swim in the Steemit/Discord sea.
Seriously, how did I end up in so many discord servers?!
Oh yeah, ‘cause there’s no end to the awesomeness people are creating in connection with Steemit. That, and @thekittygirl keeps dropping server invites into chats and I keep clicking on them. Lol!
Yes, we need another ocean shot. Look at this placid bay. Ah, so nice. Calms me right down, which I need, since I could easily be running over to discord to chat with dozens of people from around the world. A wonderful thing, but I must focus and finish this post!
Tips for manual curation:
- Join discord servers where you feel at home. Have fun there. The relationships I’ve built on discord transfer to Steemit in myriad ways.
- Attend the PYPT parties, hosted by @shadowspub, or other voice-chat virtual meet-ups.
- Spend time in comments. Read them carefully and see if you can find new friends there.
- If someone comments on your post, do your best to visit one of theirs and leave a comment if you find something that interests you. I’m not suggesting you automatically give upvotes for upvotes or follows for follows, but reciprocity counts. If someone genuinely reaches out, it’s nice to do the same.
- READ THE POST before commenting! This should go without saying but... it doesn’t always happen, and if your comment shows you didn’t read, the person who spent time writing the post is going to know it!
More tips for comments:
- Read the post. I said that already, but it stands repeating.
- When you find something you connect with, latch onto that. Maybe copy a sentence so you can quote the author and tell them how much you liked that bit of writing.
- Add something to the conversation. When your comment enhances the value of the post, you’re more likely to make a genuine connection, get noticed, and possibly get rewards.
- Upvote comments you appreciate as your SP allows. (This links to a post about comments and success on Steemit. Well worth the read.)
- Respond to anyone who takes the time to leave a meaningful comment on your own blogs. Maybe you don't have time to get to all of them, but do your best! These people took time to respond to your post. Reward your readers!
One of my favourite things about Steemit is how much discussion evolves around every sort of topic, and how many posts link to other posts, inviting me farther down the endless rabbit hole.
Comments can be just as valuable as posts themselves, and can inspire new initiatives, such as @zipporah’s recent run-in with a certain grouchy kitty, and the conversations that have evolved from her determination to bring her own flair of diplomacy to the platform.
We evolve as human beings when we listen and talk to each other, when we are willing to see from more than one perspective. Sometimes that means we’re willing to disagree, but growth can come from healthy debate, too. Comments are a great place for that!
I’ll throw a quick self-care reminder in here. Amidst all the upvotes and comments, be sure to take time to stretch, eat, drink water, and sleep.
Take care of you, so you can have All The Fun and support others without burning out.
What about you?
What’s your approach to curation? Do you follow a curation trail, use bots, or do it all yourself?
I’d love to hear your thoughts on this. Again, I’m sharing my perspective here, but I’m constantly learning more.
Thanks so much for reading! Steem on!
Peace. @katrina-ariel

Banner courtesy of @PegasusPhysics

Good thoughts. I have some too!
I have 3 people on autovote. These are people I fully trust, whose content is consistently worth it. Two of them, @techslut and @poet are irl friends. The third, @shawnamawna is a new friend from here, and is just incredibly consistent at producing the highest quality content.
I suspect I will add more people on autovote as time goes on. They just need to be people I can trust that I would vote for each and every time manually, or at least a very high percentage of the time.
Other than that, I'm all about the manual curation, and it is absolutely on a case by case basis.
Thanks for chiming in! I like the idea of having people on autovote that you have that level of trust with. All three of these Steemians have impressed me, as have you, @didic. The quality so many people are bringing to this platform is incredible. Thanks for being one of them! :)
I 100% agree and try desperately to live up to your amazing example.🦄🦄🦄
Oh, I think you do wonderfully, my friend. Some days are better than others, for all of us. Take care of you!
I manually curate everything for Ladies of Steemit but have recently started a curation trail FOR us. It's an experiment to see what greater impact we can have on those we curate. I spend about an hour 3x weekly curating for LoS (currently) and that can result in up to ten posts that receive attention.
Day-of curation is different, though. As I focus on authors first from the standpoint of a theme or subject-matter, I'm typically going through whole profile to see consistency, quality, engagement with others, and then determining whether I can showcase them on account of having a quality post still within payout period. That sometimes takes up to three hours every Wednesday. 😅
Not everyone has that kind of time and I respect that! But, manual curation is (in my opinion) one of the most important thing we can do to improve the quality of the platform and keep new talented authors from getting discouraged.
The other way is through The Classroom where we help people learn how to write curate-able posts. 😂💓
Hi Amelia... I've been loving your posts since you came on board and didn't realise you were behind @ladiesofsteemit until right now. Could we chat about The Classroom and your other efforts? I was literally going to start a similar concept on Discord but keep getting distracted by other things. I'm a curie curator and would love to help out. I'm not a lady, but I am super nice...
@ameliabartlett, he's super nice. I can vouch for that. ;)
Awww, thanks Katrina!
Hi there! Happy to come say hi and see what you're up to. 😁
Amelia, you're a force of nature! I love Ladies of Steemit. Such an important and inspiring initiative! These are some great tips to keep in mind. So much work! lol! But I agree, manual curation is a huge boon to the platform as a whole, and we need to support new talent in a big way. So glad to represent in the Classroom with you, my Steem-sister!
Hey girl!
Thanks for the self-care reminder in the end ;)
Actually I don't really agree though ... Not with the tips - that are AWESOME!- but with the thought that manual curation just can't exist.
It sure does. And that's how I always do it. Because if I set an autovote (as some people suggested) it'll vote anyway whatever the people I follow post and sometimes people take advantage of that...
Comment comment comment - that's the key!!! And of course read the post, yes - that's how I read so many interesting posts, amazing content!!! :D
We're not asking for new curators at ocd now, but I will certainly let you know when/if we do! :) Hugs!
I love seeing examples of people who are curating manually 100% of the time. As you said, it can exist and thrive. Amazing content here. Absolutely! Thanks for being a curator and all-around champion for Steemit, especially for empowering more women! Thank you also for the response from ocd. It's nice to speak with representatives of different guilds as I learn who is where, doing what. It looks like I'll be joining Curie, one way or another. I've been well supported by that community so it makes sense.
I don't think it matters what curation group we join, or what discord servers we represent, but that we curate and contribute to community, adding to the overall strength of the platform. There are so many good people posting phenomenal content and helping each other. I'm proud to be one of them, to stand level with friends around the world who are giving their best in this steemwave of change.
And yes, self-care is a must. The reminder is for me as much as anyone else. ;) Thank you so much! 💖
ME, ME! I am an example :P Even though my VP is not the mind-blowing kind haha, but I'm trying my best xD
Good luck with Curie :)
I completely agree with you - as long as you curate, that's the point, the rest is not that important :)
Hugs! :*
Hey @katrina-ariel!
This is a great post... and it's something I really struggle with. I've become a curie curator since we first met... and it's super hard.. and really stressful... but I'm happy to chat with you on Discord and help you find posts that would fit the curie guidelines to get a bit of practise in.
Otherwise, keep up the amazing work you've been doing. Steem is made an absolutely wonderful place by peeps like you!
Hello! Always good to see you, @aussieninja. You're in Curie, too. Yay!
Hmmm... super stressful doesn't sound good, but I can imagine there's pressure. And lots of guidelines. lol! I'd be happy to have some training with you. Feel free to reach out in Discord, anytime.
Keep being awesome! Thanks for stopping by. :)
The Curie guidelines were a lot more strict and then loosened up on literally the day I started... which has been great for writers like yourself, and the really great curators... but fills us newbies with a lot more doubt... and there are penalities for having posts you submit rejected... but it's also super rewarding too.
I saw a couple of others have said they'll represent you when you're ready, which is something I can't do... but I thought a softer intro might be better for you. I'll compile some thoughts and send them to you.
Thanks so much. I'm blown away by the generosity people have shown me on this platform, yourself included. Softening the intro is much appreciated! Anything to help me avoid overwhelm is a good thing! ;)
Haha, uh oh, you might not like the message I sent you in Discord then.. but we can break it down chunk by chunk. There is a lot involved.... but it literally changes people's lives, and I've learnt a lot... so it's pretty great.
At the end of the day though, people show you a lot of love because you put in a lot of effort to help this platform that we love. If everyone could follow your lead, this place would be beyond amazing.
What's this sleep you speak of?
sleeeeeep... um... It's that thing I get too little of 'cause I'm up late every night playing on Steemit and chatting with fam in discord. ;)
I would love to on-board you on Curie as a MANUAL CURATOR ;)
Let me know when you want to take it on. I will give you the run-down and help you get started. Already you have done a great job with this. I think I have gotten two posts from my feed to get a curie vote, two you recently resteemed, I think.
Thank you sincerely for your support and for the invitation, @misterakpan. So glad you've found some quality posts through my network and resteems as well! I've spoken with @randomwanderings about joining Curie before, too. I guess my biggest question is how much time commitment it requires. Once I get an idea of that, maybe I can make my decision. :)
And @randomwanderings popped into my DMs with an answer to my question about time commitment, which seems to vary with each individual. (Thanks for that, Gene.) Pondering, pondering...
Hello my dear friend ,
I read your advice and I think you're quite right. every day with great care to understand a very nice work and I'm trying to interpret. my English is bad. For this reason, I can not express my feelings ...
I try for someone to discover me. I produce quality content and
I support beautiful content again.
these beautiful tips and tutorial articles will help me. Thank you
Your English is much better than me trying to speak in another language, so good on you for trying. I see you commenting on people's posts, and see you in discord. I can only imagine how much harder it is to do Steemit when English is not your first language, but I think you're doing great. Persistence pays off, and even small post rewards add up over time, though it's nice to see some bigger ones, too. Steem on! :)
I've never been to Nicaragua but it looks really cool. I like the yoga picture a lot.
"When you find something you connect with, latch onto that. Maybe copy a sentence so you can quote the author and tell them how much you liked that bit of writing."- This was my favorite.
lol! Irony indeed, but truth. This is one of my biggest tips for leaving comments. Thank you for stopping by and taking time to respond. So glad you like the pictures! It was an excellent setting for photo shoots, and an incredible adventure. I'll tell you, though, San Juan del Sur was one of the loudest places I've ever been. One of these days I should write about it. ;)
hi @katrina-ariel, I don't use bots, I like to curate myself and interact with the authors and posts that really resonate with me. I don't have SP though so I really try and engage with my comments and feedback.
There are so many amazing posts out there that can get lost in this big ocean, as I don't have much SP i try and resteem to help out.
I've also started a weekly post reintroducing new steemians that have come on tho the platform.
To be honest I find I don't have enough hours in the day, as you said it is really hard to keep up, but I try.
Trying to find ways to contribute to the community with not having SP well i have 2cents tops. looking forward to the day when I can really reward good content with a upvote that reflects the work gone in.
I hear you. My SP is a little higher because someone was kind enough to give me a delegation until I build up enough for a slider on my own. But before that happened, I often could only comment on some posts, when I'd done as much voting as I could do each day. Comments are so important. Even if someone doesn't upvote my post, if they leave a heartfelt comment it is very meaningful to me. After years of blogging and writing without a lot of readers seeing my work, Steemit has provided something that gives me courage and more confidence as a writer: a way to connect with readers. This is a blessing for a writer, and I'm grateful for it! Your blog posts always inspire me. Steem on!
Thank you @katrina-ariel, yeah the comments mean alot to me, they are so inspirational and motivational for me. This is my first time blogging and I am really enjoying all the interaction I get to have with everyone, Steemit has introduced me to some amazing people that I have really enjoyed connecting with all. really glad to have found you on here x
Likewise, my friend. 💖