Here’s your cup of workplace culture sir.... would you like some creem with that?

in #culture6 years ago


A short Introduction (keep it short, you get the gist of it)

As my user name suggests the subject in conversation here is culture, and yes I know the name culture-creem may lead you to think of some kind of bizarre dairy themed literature escapade but no… although creem here is in relation to cream (with slight influence of Steem), it’s because it’s synonymous with luxuriousness and high nutritional value. It’s added to products to make them taste good (chocolate, coffee), applied to faces to make them stay looking beautiful. It describes the best, cream of the crop, crème de la crème hell… Eric Clapton even made a band name out of it.
What I’m getting at is that cream, or from now on creem, is good stuff that we like and makes things better!

Ok now that’s cleared up, back to culture. When we marry culture to creem we get the best of culture.
But wait…. what culture in particular is this about.

What I’m going to be posting about is culture (behaviours) in the workplace. After all it’s where a lot of us spend a lot of our time and it affects a lot of things, well actually pretty much everything that involves our day to day lives.

I’ve heard so many people talk about this topic over the years and to be honest I’m left feeling exhausted about how we approach it. I can summarise…

It’s either too difficult to deal with and so it gets basically ignored
It’s full of boring clichés that that initially sound big but are disappointingly vacuous

So what to do?

I want to engage with a community of like minded people who know deep down the real significance of this topic and also recognise the need to veer from the well trodden valleys of typicality. My goodness, with all the brain power we harness as a community there is a better way, of that I am sure.

My first proper post (coming soon!) will be on the subject of motivation (always from the view my own experience, ie not arbitrarily made up stuff), lets see where this leads…..see you there.