''Cultural Imperialism in Bangladesh''

in #cultural8 years ago

Every people, nation and states has its own cultural identity. Culture is focused by the attitudes, norms and values that gives shapes of the behavior of human being. Now a day’s traditional factors as like age old norms, societal values, belief on religion are being shaping cultural identity through the programs broadcasted in satellite channels.
In contemporary societies television is a highly influential medium of popular culture and plays vital role in the social construction of reality. (Morgan, 1990) The effects of television should therefore be recognized as having the ability to alter social economic and political situations in its places of propagation and beyond.
According to Zia (2007), satellite television viewership is no more restricted to the upper-middle class only; with the availability of low-priced television and cable connection, it has become a common household facility for the lower class as well. Viewers have access to a variety of channels from local to foreign, which provide them an opportunity to watch all types of programs. These media sources expose viewers to new information about the outside world and other ways of life, which may affect attitudes and behaviors (Gentzkow and Shapiro, 2004; Olken, 2006) as well the overall culture (Zahid, 2007). Numerous research studies have been conducted to observe the impact of satellite television on viewers, particularly on their behavior (Bukhari., 2002; Malik, M., 2001; Naseem, A. 2001). Due to easy access to satellite channels, low cost and a huge interest of television viewership for entertainment purposes have created the rapid growth of satellite television all over the world (Zia, 2007).
Indian drama serials are mostly popular among woman and girls. They eagerly wait for the next episode. Young people are mostly keen to watch Hindi movies and Kolkata, Tamil, Panjabi movies also children are watching Hindi cartoon too. So this movies, serials cartoon has large impact on social issue, especially on human behavior culture and language. People are viewing other worlds style of life people are silently consuming other cultures language, behavior. Media critic Douglas Kellner stipulates that we are witnessing the onset of a ‘’new form of a global culture’’, in which globally produced ‘’images, sounds and spectacles help produce the fabric of everyday life ……….. providing the materials out of which people forget their very identities’’ (quoted in Strelitz, 2001).
In Bangladesh is no exception of the rapid demand of satellite television. Whereas the rapid growth of cable TV was regarded as a distinctive feature in the Western World in the 1960s (Hilliard and Keith, 1996: 88) the residents of an information poor country, the middle class viewers, of Bangladesh did not possess any clear insight about STV for prolonged years. They were familiar only with the name of Sputnik, which was a satellite of former Soviet Union (Faisal, 1992: 83).
According to Huda (2005) state regulated Bangladesh Television (BTV) was the only dominant medium of entertainment for an extended twenty-eight years (1964-1992). Bangladesh Television (BTV) ended its monopoly power with the penetration of Satellite TV in 1992. Bangladesh government put their steps into the global media environment in 1992 by becoming the client of the entertainment bazaar (Huda, 2005). Since after that the business has boom a rapid growth whole over the country using two technologies. One is communication antenna (CA technology) and another one is multi-channel point distribution system (SMA technology). CA technology is set up in particular location to receive and distributed to various viewers through decoder and cable. In SMA technology satellite signals are received by dish antenna, which is set up on the rooftop. This antenna receives and deliverers data to satellite viewers.
The Bangladeshi channels on satellite are: BTV-World, BTVSangshad, Channel-I, ATN-Bangla, ATN-News, NTV, Boishakhi TV, Bangla Vision, RTV, ETV, DESH TV, Mohona TV, Independent TV, Masranga TV, My TV, GTV, Channel 9, Shomoy TV, Bijoy TV , Channel 1 etc. indian government has an unwritten ban on broadcasting Bangladeshi satellite channels in India especially in West Bengal where a lot of people speak Bangla. But now a days minimum 40 setellite channels of india are illiligally down linked in Bangladesh. Some of those channels are TV, Aaj Tak, IBN-7, Tez TV, S7News, E24, Sahara Samay, Sananda TV, 24 Ghonta, Kolkata TV, Channel 10, NE Bangla, Mahuaa Bangla, Kalaignar TV, Jaya TV, Raj TV, Tamil Box Office, Tamilan TV, GTV, SPV, KTV, Dabang, Hungama TV, B4U Music, Enterr10 TV, CVO, 9X, JOO Music, 9X Jalwa, Dhoom Music, Sur Sangeet TV, ETV-Bangla, Star World, Z Studio, Life OK, DD Bangla, DD National, DD Sports, Firangi, UTV, Pogo TV, S Sangeet, Z Bangla, Star Plus, SONY, SAT MAX, ZTV, Tara Muzik, Tara News, Star Jalsa, J Movies, Nick, Sun TV, Z News, SAB TV, 9XM, Colors, Sahara One, Zoom, NDTV etc. In Bangladeshi there are lot of forign channels are also down linked by cable operators without the permission of Ministry of Information (BTRC). (Weeklyblitz, June 25,2012).
Free flow of Global Media: Theoretical Paradigms
Two opposite views about satellite communication:
Modernization thinkers argue that, modernization is a process through which developing countries get chance to be more developed. Mass media regarded as a powerful medium or agent of modernization. Modernization thinker’s belief that, less develop countries hold heredity and traditional views which are main obstacle of development process. Mass media plays a great role of modernity to break down this obstacle of traditionalism. In this process ‘hindinization’ through Hindi satellite channels can play a vital role to modernize Bangladeshi culture.
On the other hand, strong argues from dependency thinkers, satellite television is the meaning of cultural lag, aggression on language, market hegemony and moving mind on foreign practices. Movies and serials are playing a mysterious role to reflect human behavior, express of fillings and emotion. Now a day among Bangladeshi People, Hindi movies, songs and Hindi serials are much more popular rather than western movies and songs. India is taking market of different products. Lot of products come to Bangladesh legally and illegal way. Our border is till yet not highly maintained to protect smugglers. Both country’s border forces are not honest, they take advantage of taking money from smugglers. Bangladesh import the maximum goods and service from India. People are following Indian heroes, fashions, dressing and foods are being highly demandable through the heroes and heroine’s advertisement on television. People love to purchase those products are showed in advertisements and price become high always.
The start of Hindinization in Bangladeshi Culture
The viewership of Indian TV programs are Hindi serials, Hindi movies, Cartoons are most popular among Bangladeshi people, young girls, women, boys and children. Priority of viewing Indian program reflects Hindinization in overall lifestyle. Indian Tv channel and other foreign Tv channels are allowed in Bangladeshi cable network. Especially Indian channel are getting significant amount of revenue from subscription and advertisement to Bangladeshi entrepreneur and households. But Indian government keep continuing a unwritten ban on telecasting Bangladeshi program in India specially west Bengal where is lot of people speak Bengali. They miss Bangladeshi program. according to statistical data from Weekly Blitz, the revenue are earning from Bangladesh.
Name of the Channel Monthly Revenue from Subscription
Star Plus US$ 195,000
Star Movies US$ 118,000
SONY US$ 123,000
Zee Studio US$ 94,000
Zee Cinema US$ 95,000
Star Sports US$ 70,000
Set Max [Part of SONY] US$ 72,000
Star GOLD US$ 61,000
Zee TV US$ 67,000
Zee Premier US$ 39,000
Zee Action US$ 29,000
Star World US$ 23,000
STAR One US$ 23,000
Zee Café US$ 19,000
Star Jalsha US$ 17,000
Zee Bangla US$ 17,000
TARA TV US$ 6,000
TARA Music US$ 6,000
SAB US$ 6,000
B4U US$ 5,000
Doordarshan Bangla US$ 000,00
International channels are also get freely allow on country’s domestic cable network (more than 180 Regional and International channels) like, DW, HBO, NGC, BBC, CNN, Al Jazeera, ESPN, NDTV, Fox, TNT, VOA, TVC, France24, MGM, RAI, Cartoon Network etc. Bangladesh can easily downlink international channels because India allows those channels through their domestic cable network. While Bangladeshi channel entering the same network, they continue stop, reason unknown. (Weekly Blitz. June 22,2011).
a) Indian TV Serials (Daily Soap):
According to Wikipedia- ‘’Daily soap operas are the genre of television program based on episodic work of dramatic fiction’’. The history of daily soap concept is very interesting. Shoma Munshi, professor of anthropology at the American University of Kuwait in her writings, ''Soap operas are in fact referred to as 'Soaps' because their origins lie in the 1950s radio dramas in the US that were broad casted during the day, when women were mainly at home doing household chores. These radio dramas were sponsored by companies such as Proctor & Gamble, Colgate- Palmolive and Lever Brothers who were soap manufacturers, hence the name, which stuck'' (Munshi 2009). Origin and development of Indian drama especially from the storehouse of Sanskrit of India (Dictionary.com.2012).
Most popular hindi drama channels are Star Plus, Zee TV, Sony and most popular Bangla drama channel are Star Jalsha, Zee bangla, ETV Bangla among Bangladeshi people. These channel are representing indian custom, outlook, choices, thoughts, behavior etc. The serials are full of sexual behavior, post marital affair, organized educate criminal activities, revenge, aggressions, sorrowfulness, eve teasing girls and sexual harassment, conflict between family members. When someone start watching these drama serials she or he become addicted by those dramas. When one drama just finished then the other drama get starts. Sometimes people watch those dramas 5 or 6 hours nonstop. Mine while if electricity goes people watch repeat telecast on the next day.
b) Hindi Movies:
Movies plays an important role to reflect human behavior feeling and emotion. People of Bangladesh are much more attached with hindi movies and indian bangla movies since 1980s. First steep of Hindinization happened through VCR. For that time one TV set and one VCR was regarded as a symbol of power and prestige for the Bengali middle class family. After a very short of time craze of VCR moved to the countryside also. At that time lot of entertaining shops were opened those shops were famous for movies collection. People rent VCR and cassettes with a very chip price. Friends and family every one watched together those movies.
Now a days hindi movies has developed tremendous with different contain of story, more rational and natural scenario etc. Hindi songs of hindi movies also represents pain, sorrow, opposite joy and happiness. Hindi movies already stablished in the world particularly differently among all other movies. Stories, songs and dance of every movie are so attractive that’s why people doesn’t get chance to move eyes out of TV set. Hindi movies are a great platform of India to know India culturally all over the world. The Bollywood Badsha (King) Shahrukh Khan is much famous in India as well as out of the world also. He is the top rich man of Bollywood industry.
Peoples mind and activities get shape through movies. India is leading especially in South Asian movies. Not only Hindi movies there are some regional movies in regional language like Tamil, Telegu, Bangla movies are also not comparable with other South Asian movies.

c) Hindi Cartoons:
There is some similarity between Hindi and Bangla words. That’s how it’s very easier for cartoons lover children to understand and learn Hindi language very easily. ‘’Doraemon’’ and ‘’Hatori’’ are so much popular, broadcasted in Hindi language on Chanel Nick.
Doraemon is futures robocat other characters are also popular, created in 1969. It’s a real threat for Bangladeshi children because they are ignoring to play in outdoor activities they are been addicted by this cartoon at home, they are learning Hindi language through this cartoons. Lot of changes in the children’s language and expressions for example: children like to talk Bangla and Hindi by mixing. Sometime children motivate to do whatever Doraemon do in daily life.
Bangladeshi businessman is selling like Doraemon Doll, Doraemon T-shirt, Doraemon stationeries, merchandizing products. Children’s encourage parents to buy this product.
Though Doraemon is Japanis cartoon but Indian tv channels are dubbing this cartoons in Hindi such channels are Hangama and Disney. Bangladeshi investors may also invest in the animation sector too. Bangladeshi channel also may dub Doraemon to telecast for Bangladeshi children.

Impacts of Hindinization:
Hindi satellite TV have two different opposite views of impact firstly modernization and secondly dependency. Modernization thinkers argued Hindi satellite tv as the mean of cultural globalization also communication development. According to dependency thinkers Hindi satellite tv means, cultural imperialism, global pillage, domination over Bangla language, change in relationship, market hegemony etc.
1.1 Paradigm of modernization theory
People are being globalized through satellite tv channels. People’s choice, taste, thinking, like, habit, attitude, lifestyle everything is changing according to global phenomena. Communication is developed in all nationwide by Satellite channels.
1.1.1 Cultural Globalization
Modernaization process is a systematic process for lesss develop countries to be acquire the charecteristics of more develop countries. Mass media is considered as a real agent of modernaization process. The mass media could crackdown the traditionalism which is the main obstacle of modernity. In this way Hindinaization through hindi movies, tv serials will be a great mediam of modernization in Bangla culture.
Western countries are giving scholarship to periphery from all over the world. Only patrioritic people get brain from western country and apply there experience to their own socio-economic context. In this way Japan has developed their industrialization. Applied western ideas, innovations, technologies on their own socio-economic context. Indian movies are much or less copied by Hollywood movies but they developed the movies in hindi language and according to indian cultural aspect. Doordarshan was the first dominating indian chanell to united national unity. When Zee tv started broadcast, this chanell successfully stablished hindinization to out of india. The fourmulla of Hindi language started adapting by naighbour countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Bhutan, Pakistaan and Shrilanka. Thus Indian satellite channels stablished their market among other nations too. More or less in Bangladesh consumption patterns are being much more influencing by Indian dress and food habits.
1.1.2 Communication Development
Theory and research suggest that mass communication act as a strong social actor to change social phenomena. Mass media plays many roles to bring social change. Radio and Television are the most effective source of communication among the community ‘’but when it comes to adoption of the idea, interpersonal sources such as extension agents, friends, neighbors, family members are the most effective’’ (Gupta, 1995, p72). In the 1960s, media experts and communication experts mentioned that mass media will help communication process in national development. Communication scholars such as Daniel Lerner, Wilbur Schramm and Everett M. Rogers who biased on their theories of development and media efficiency. Important work of Walter Rostow ‘’The Stages of Economic Growth’’ he mentioned that the economic and technological development is the results of western country’s increase of media use. Communication happens through language, design, facial expression, print, radio, television, mobile phone, billboards and musical instruments etc. Daniel Lerner addressed communication growth as a great multiplier of and economic growth of ideas and information for national development. Communication growth increase the national per capita income, urbanization and industrialization. So Indian mass media can influence in Bangladesh by urbanization, industrialization and per-capita income can be increased by actual communication process.

1.2 Paradigm of Dependency Theory
According to dependency thinkers, global village as global pillage. Peoples norms, values, ideas, brain, culture, language, behavior, terrorism etc. are being shifted in new formation.
1.2.1 Global pillage
Dependency thinkers argue globalization is not form of global village. Global village has shifted in to global pillage. Borderless free market economy is the nucleolus power of globalization. Developing countries are exporting materials with low wages but developed countries are exporting the finished raw materials to developing countries with a high price. For example, Bangladesh exports raw jut to Japan and Japan export again finished jute with a high price to Bangladesh. Developed countries built sweatshop industries because of low cost labor and low cost of manufacturing. Developed countries are buying those articles with cheap price. But developed countries are exporting technological products like Satellite TV instruments, Computer, mining technologies, big construction technologies with high price to developing countries.
Satellite TV popularize foreign culture within a nation. Language, culture, music, art etc. are presented by satellite TV. For example, Indian TV channels are broadcasting Hindi serials, movies, cartoons but they have banned several foreign tv channels in India except some international news channels, they are not adopting other culture. But they are popularizing their culture to other countries like Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka and all over the world.
1.2.2 Cultural Imperialism
According to Meyrowitz (1986) for any country, culture represents the country’s identity. He mentioned that, television is undermining the national identity and various transnational communications and media networks are overriding the local traditional media. For Bangladesh, the significant shift of cultural arises by the impacts of regional satellite tv channels of India like Zee TV, MTV, Star Plus, Sony Tv Serials. Those channels are showing something that are threat of family ties. Specially the materials are threat for divorce as a mean of solving problem. Those programs are full of nudity, sexual instincts, pre-marital sexual relationships are completely destroying cultural beliefs and values of Bangladesh. (Page and Crawely,2001).
Dress up in the Hindi movies and serials are half naked, scenario is to attract young boys and girls. Many Bangladeshi young generation are following this dress in their daily life style. It’s not a denying fact is that the half-naked dress is influencing sexual explosion and behavior. Thus the way young generation can’t make constrictive and productive work rather than sexuality.
1.2.3 Change in Relationship
It can be surely without any doubt said that as the sub-continent which has been later divided or somehow got independence from British in the form of India, Pakistan and after Bangladesh (1971 from Pakistan) but due to regional aspect the cultural values remained same, as the same language is almost spoken and understood by everyone. One of the fact of this region is that mostly women promote their culture and practice it more in their daily life, any single woman from this region is getting ideas from the neighboring countries with the help of drama serials. Even the way of romance, love, dress up, bringing up their children, infect in every field of life they take guidance from whatever is more liked among these three countries and of course mostly Indians has the credit of this change in the neighbor’s country through Indian media or channels.
Hindi TV serials shows where a woman may have multiple relationships during her lifetime (Datoo, Al-Karim, 2010). Evident confirms that Indian dramas are full of sexual harassment, revenge, aggression, and sorrowfulness (Shuvo, S, 2009). Extra marital relationship is one of the common feature of Indian serials. As people follow these serials they become addicted by what they see every single night. As a result, the city and village dweller are now engaged in extra marital affair which arise conjugal problem that lead conflict and even divorce (Morshed M., 2012). Sometime in this serials eve teasing is also show as a enjoyment that may affect the viewers to tease girls. It also shows how to blackmail, a high degree of suspension, violent activities against women. All this in reality audience become inspired to act so.
Women are spending a quality time by watching this Hindi programs. They are paying less attention for their children and household work. Some husbands are busy at work so they can’t give much time to wives, also this negligence increase more attention to the serials.
Before marriage love with opposite sex is a common topic almost in every serial. It teaches life without love is meaningless this ideology increases premarital relationship among youths.
Husbands relationship with their female colleague or previous girlfriend and wife also maintain relationship with other man is also a common matter in this serials. In long run relationship among husband and wife goes always ups and downs, in certain moment results to the divorce or suicide attempts.
Hindi serials often show daughter and mother in law as rival. They are busy always stage conspiracy against each other, they seem like enemy all time in all activities. Clash between brother and sister and sister in law is a common scenario in Hindi daily soaps. These affect a very negative dispute among family members of the viewers.
1.2.4 Domination of language
Language is only way to express our thoughts in word. However, Bangla is being polluted by regional neighbor country India. Hindi language is not sufficient to express all in Hindi; they use English word to make sense clear. When these shorts of words are uttered by Bangla speakers then the language Bangla become mixed language. Bangla language enriched by some language too, like English, Arabic, Persian, French and Hindi. In our Daily life new words are getting included in Bangla language. Hindi language is not entering in Bangla language but also entering in Nepalese language, Pakistani and Sinhalese language too. Hindi language become a lingua Franca in Indian subcontinent. (Shitak Sen Rommani, 2011).
Hindi movies serials, cartoons are in Hindi language these programs are so much popular in Bangladesh. These programs successfully created impact on people’s mind, choice, taste, attitude, cloth style, relationship etc. For example, now a day’s people showing much more critical knowledge how to make conflict and peace in family. Young generations are updated in their daily life activities, they follow Indian film stars’ cloth, fashion, foods, drinks, party style etc. Children are also learning Hindi language by watching Hindi cartoons, serials, movies etc. They also know the film heroes, actors and actress of serials. So all this programs affect children’s attitude, habit and in their socializing process. It seems by mentally they are growing up with the Hindi culture so native culture will be rapidly Hindigenized in future.
During Pakistan period, West Pakistani rulers had made pressure to teach Urdu as state language. In 1952 the protests from students become a language movement. The background history of 21st feb, 1952 now its worldwide renown 21st February as International mother language day as declared by UNESCO. But today silently adapting Hindi culture and language through satellite TV programs.
Bangla is also spoken in West Bengal, Kalkata (western part of India) but Bangladeshi satellite channels has first bannd in Kalkata cable TV network. Today, Bangladeshi channels have been banned in India but firstly banned by Kalkata because they realized from the beginning. If Bangladeshi channels broadcast in India these program may affect their culture and people’s attitude and behavior or daily life. Comparison between English TV programs and Hindi TV programs I would say Hindi programs has much more impact on Bangladeshi culture because culture, language, life style is almost same between India and Bangladesh.
1.2.5 Brain Storming
Culture is like a mirror that reflects a country’s culture and reflects identity of a nation. How much a society is civilized to evaluate a nations culture of course, Movies, Serials, Dramas are most powerful agents of society in postmodern era. Bangladeshi people are not so much attracted of own culture and identity where as they are showing best impression for Indian culture, Indian nation, Indian education etc. Indian movies are storming our brain as India developed in culture, education and civilization but India is not successful like Bangladesh to eradicate poverty, reduce child mortality rate, sanitation problem, sexual harassment, malnutrition, health sector etc. Yet India show off as the superior to Bangladesh in everywhere. India developed their education level in particular high position among south Asian countries. So every year many students goes to India for higher studies. Brain is draining from Bangladesh to India happens because students are being attract to Indian glamorous culture even according to statistics most tourists goes to India from Bangladesh.
Behaviour changes can be observd of some people who observe Hindi serials. Now Indian retuals involved in our wedding (Shuvo,S., 2009).Bangladeshi people following Indian culture by watching such daily soap let a very little space for Bangladeshi culture. This is well proven truth of influence that Indian serials have on the minds of Bangladeshi people (Anwar B.S., 2005).
1.2.6 Market Hegemony
Indian fashion, clothing and fast food consumption is taking market place in Bangladesh. As because there is close relationship between people’s choice, life style and demand of different products. Bangladesh is captured by Indian products such as clothe, shoes, perfumes, shaving cream, body spray etc. products are chosen by following advertisement, movies, serials through satellite TV channels. People directly follow advertisement because favorite actor or actress are advertising products, so products that are showed in advertisement, named after title of heroes, movies, serials etc. demand and price became high. As it is already mentioned that the advertisement is one of the most important tool to influence people and to attract them towards one’s desire. For example, Pagloo which was the name a Bangla movie of Kolkata, but as this movie Pagloo got so much popularity in the entire country, every product related to clothes, jewelry, shoes etc. were publicized with the help of this movie. Even the less valuable products beside low quality only because of help of advertisement with this title Pagloo were sold in a larger amount. Moreover, these products beat the selling rate of those valuable and quality product which were not advertised in a proper manner.


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