What does a Community Manager do in a company?

in #ctptalk6 years ago

It is a person with the ability to interact with a target audience and with a company so that both benefit, this person has to generate information of interest to an audience and at the same time generate prestige for a company.
What specifically does a community manager do?
Its main task is to create and share content looking for virality, that is, it starts generating interesting information for a target audience, the second is to encourage interaction with users, after having generated interesting content you have to somehow find that people Respond to this content. These answers will be evidenced in the likes, in the votes in favor, in the comments and even in the comments of dislikes.

The third function is to channel messages and queries from users, but it must be taken into account that the Community Manager is not determined to know all the details of a business or of a product or of a brand.

The fourth activity of the Community Manager is to evaluate the progress or results and make corrections, in this case once we have published the contents and generators of interactions, we review the contents, the publications, the messages that have somehow impacted more positively in the public we want to reach and based on that the necessary corrections were made.

The fifth function of the Community Manager is to project the brand, company or idea that is representing this activity. This should take place throughout the communication process.

The Community Manager is the ambassador of the company, is a representative of the brand, is an advocate of the product that is representing, has to be a person who is convinced of what he is showing and all the time in each communication should try to remember who are you dealing with, with what brand, with what product and with what service are you interacting with.