4 Proven Techniques To Promote Content

in #ctp5 years ago


Does this happen to you?

You spend the time creating a piece of content… Maybe a blog post, or a video, that you know people will love.

You put your heart and soul into it. You publish with huge excitement, and then… You wait, wait, and wait…

And then, nothing? No page views. No visits. No comments. So, what gives?

Well, the truth is you’ve got to get your content out there. You can’t wait around for people to magically discover your content unless your a search engine optimization king.

You see if nobody sees your content, then it’s not going to do you any good. It will never help you get exposure, create authority, and make you money.

So today let’s look into 4 proven techniques to promote your content so people can consume it…

4 Proven Techniques To Promote Your Content!

Technique #1: Share on Social Media!

Duh right? Obvious I know but are you doing it or not?

There is BILLIONS of people hanging out on social media, so the chance that people will find your content is high. It’s the perfect place to get your content in front of eyeballs.

The big ones are…

  • Facebook
  • Twitter
  • Pinterest
  • Linkedin

Social media is where people are at, so your content should be there too. Briefly introduce with a post on your profile pages, post inside any groups your apart of, etc.

Again it’s where people are hanging out and it’s the perfect place to get eyeballs to your content quickly!

Technique #2: Paid Ads!

Yeah I know, for some paid ads is scary. But NOT if you know how to effectively do paid ads. In fact, you can promote your content for $5 a day, and get a rush of new eyeballs to it when you use paid advertising.

This is a fast technique so if this is more your thing, then paid ads is the way to go!

Let’s say, you’ve just published a brand new blog post, and you want people to consume it quickly, you can post an inexpensive Facebook Ad and start reaching people quickly and in a targeted way.

Or if you’ve just posted a YouTube video, you can use Google Ads to get people to your video quickly. (Hint: That will also boost your ranks within YouTube!)

Most fear paid ads. However, it’s one of fastest ways to reach people quickly… While your competition is waiting around for organic results!

Technique #3: Email Your List

If you’ve followed me for any life of time, then you will know I talk about list building a lot and for good reason.

All your content should go out to your email list because they already know, like, and trust you. It can be the FASTEST way to get new eyeballs to any content you produce, and even make you sales!

And if you’re not building an email list…TODAY is the day to start!

Technique #4: Resend To Non-Opens With Your Email List

This is a sneaky one that hardly anyone is doing, or even talking about.

This will happen, but when you send an email out, between 80 to 90 percent of the people on your list will not open your emails for one reason or another.

Maybe they didn’t see it come through. Maybe they were busy right then, or at work and couldn’t open. Maybe they didn’t like your subject line and it didn’t appeal to them.

But none of that means it’s over.

You can simply resend your email to ONLY the people who didn’t open your email. You can even change up the subject line and hit them from a different angle.

This is powerful and you’ll quickly see a huge spike in your video views, blog visitors, etc using this technique!


Now you know the 4 proven techniques to promote content and have no excuse to getting eyeballs to your content fast! You can do this with every piece of new content you create. Hey! Why wait? Go ahead and find an old piece of content you’ve got and try the techniques out for yourself.

You rock,


Carl Davies

P.S. Come join me and the others in my Daily Marketing Tips facebook group.

Go here: http://www.facebook.com/groups/dailymarketingtipshq/

Post from https://www.carldavies.net/techniques-to-promote-content/


Technique #3: Email Your List

I like this one the most... We "just" have to create a nice mailing list.. ;)

Thanks for sharing this!

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Carl, you offer good advice. Unlike the movie, build it and they will not come unless you tell them about it. Good post.