You are your Brand

in #ctp5 years ago

Morning fellow CTP Talkers and Steemians,


You are your Brand! Love it or hate it, your picture is your Brand. I, I believe, like most people do not like looking at my own picture most of the time. But if you are in the online affiliate marketing business it is your Brand. I cannot state that enough.

I learned many years ago, from Click Track Profit and @jongolson this information. And as he says "Story Time" although I am sure my stories will not be good as his.

Way back when I got started in affiliate marketing and CTP one of the first things it asked me to do was upload a picture. Oh boy. How I did not want to do that. I think it took me awhile to convince myself to do. I can remember thinking back then about why am I putting my face on the internet, people don't really want to see me. Thought it might be some sort of security risk. Maybe that was just excuses because I don't like look at myself most of the time. lol.

Well I finally broke down and did it. My picture was on CTP and on all the traffic exchanges that I surfed. Now it is all over Hive!

Your Brand may evolve over time. And no I don't mean that you will get older and uglier. lol. But mine changed thanks to @pixiepost and her 2020Vision Challenge. One of the parts of that challenge was to do four things. People were doing push ups, flights of stairs, etc. I gave four thumbs up at the start and end of my video blogs. I am still doing it. Thus evolved my Brand picture of my face with the thumbs up.

And you know what is fantastic about that? How many times a day do you see someone in the real world and online use that? A lot! So as people get to know my brand, hopefully every time they see a thumbs up they will think of my ugly mug and me.

Now, sure just your picture is great, but I would suggest if you can add something to it, something different, something unique go for it.

Looking forward to your feed back everyone.


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Have a great day all.
