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RE: Antminer D3 - Dash mining rig game changer
The price is stil $1599 Dollars. Yes, diff. will drop. But you can also mine other X11 coins with this machine at a great hashrate. And yes, Bitmains game is evil, but you'd do the same. I bet they could deliver already today, but the devices are minig already in their pockets :D
lookslike, values are already swinging between 2.2k to 4k

By the time people get on hands it would be less than half when announced, later 2nd / 3 rd batch ROI will be more than a month.
so all are again in a loop !,
Are there anybody else out there other than these Bitmain, innosilicon, baikal etc.?
As the crypto community is getting bigger, someone should start with making such asics on their own(Unlikely).
D3 can be configure to mine other coins? I haven't read anywhere that you can configure it but then again I haven't look.