About my life

Today I will not share anything
I will share my experience of life
Reality is cruel very cruel ....!!!
You know I am unemployed from last two month
It's really disgusting
I left my previous job due to office politics
I m not able to win this inner fight as well as my family problems
I thought that after leaving my job it will be easier to live a happy life
But it's not ...every one told me to leave and take some rest
I have tried to give full rest to my body and my mind
But it's not settled i am always have a fear
What will I do next ....
I have a chance to win this world problems
And live my life comfortable
As when you are earning everything is seems well to other people as well as
Family and friends
But when you left and unable to get another job
Everyone started to looking down on you
It's really disgusting...i cried and ask God why this things happening to me

But i know someday my life will be at ease u knew I have to fight for this
Fight fight ...fighting already !!!