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RE: Join DIY Tube Video And Get 1,000 DIYT Coins

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago (edited)

Troy Reid or his proxy BUYS his subscribers on YT at about 50-70 Every Day!

See for yourself at

Only about 1500 out of 109,300 subs watch his videos.
That's less than 1% !


Due to trolls harassing my subs, only a couple thousand watch my videos. I have copies of emails and private messages threatening their lives if they did not quit watching my videos. Bet that makes you feel good.

As to the other claim of yours. Well, dont you think YT would have shut me down if that were true? I know you guys turned me in for every violation under the sun and then some. You all brag about it so its no secret.

Anyone with a clear head can see your claims are just lies to stir up trouble and doubt.

Mr. Reid, are you going to stand there and say with a straight face that the views on your Youtube channel are so low because people send threatening messages to your viewers?! REALLY?! Only a small percentage of viewers to any channel actually leave comments, so you're saying that trolls send messages to ONE HUNDRED THOUSAND VIEWERS (and how would they know who the viewers are if they don't leave comments) AND EVERY ONE OF THESE SUBSCRIBERS STOPPED WATCHING YOUR VIDEOS AS A RESULT?!?!?! ARE YOU FREAKIN' KIDDING ME?!

Stop blaming the trolls for your floundering YT viewership and failed channels Troy @thediyworld.

Your own laziness, lies, contradictions, alienation of rational thinkers, and overall whining and crappy content did you in.

Its funny that you guys proudly boast of how you destroy my sources of income in one place and then deny it in another.

One thing about a troll. They are not consistent at all.

How can we destroy your sources of income?

You don't have a job....

Begging for donations online is not a job...

Any one that follows FB, YT and Instagram for example knows that owners can BUY likes, follows and subscribers from a third party.

Just because YOU say "they would shut me down" doesn't mean it can't happen....
but you are the one that has to live with looking at a Silver Play Button.....
knowing the entire time you did not Earn it.

You might as well go to Goodwill and buy a bowling trophy and put it on your.....
oh wait, you have no room in the chalet to place a trophy.

There's not even room for a wife or a baby there with all the mining rigs and Amazon boxes.

And you cannot deny it either because I do have screen shots of your plans. You guys were so bold that you planned and paid people to spy on us on the open internet.

Proof? You are a paranoid nut case....

I'd like to see receipts of the payments to people
that "spied" on you on the "open internet"...

Go jerk offf a pedophile loser....


He will tell you that this is edited..He is correct...
Posting the whole thing where he plotted to transport
a convicted pedophile across state lines, and then invite a family w/ young children to stay with the both of them would be wrong...

So, you are making a pretty large accusation against me there.

Please go ahead now. I ask you to - for the world to see.

If your claims are true that I am a pedo -

Post the sex offender entry with my name on it now.

Go ahead. Show the world if you are telling the truth.

Or are you just a criminal harassing an innocent man?

You did an entire video about it....

You were joking about whether his parole officer would find out...

No. I dont want to see any video you list. I dont trust a thing you post.

One of you blatantly called me a pedophile.

So I demand that you either post the official sex offender list showing my name.

Or shut up and face criminal charges.

That is your unedited video on your YouTube channel....

And I didn't say you were the pedophile, I said you transported a convicted pedophile across state lines and then invited a family with you children to stay with him...

You are a pedophile enabler....

That is your video, linked directly from your YouTube channel!

No, you transported a sex offender across state lines illegally.

@36:15 mark

but the truth is this gif is not edited. it shows reid rubbing a convicted pedos cock with a pool noodle. juvenile behavior for sure. and he wants people to invest in his latest scheme!

So, you trolls need to get your heads together and make up the same lies at least.

One says yes, this is edited. Another says no, this is not edited.

you know damn well that you rubbed tjs cock with that pool noodle. thats the part of YOUR VIDEO im talking about. how can someone cgi this ? nobodys that good. we aint hollywood. the only "editing " was looping your own childish behavior.

Oh, you guys have some real good talent at video editing. I know for sure. You guys have made some bad stuff about me.

Mr. Reid, post the screen caps of emails and private messages where trolls threatened your viewers to stop watching your videos!!!

That's right, we hired Melly to spy on you and report back on your stupidity. Why else would some foreign woman you never met claim to love you?

when the one guy went to the pb property,you were long gone asshole. he was given gas money to see what mess you left behind. what a drama queen. you should have been born a woman. oh,thats right. you are a queen after all.

Mr. Reid, that is serious business. Criminal, in fact. Why have you never posted copies of these emails and private messages for all to see?

the only threat is guys like you separating people from their hard earned money because youre too lazy to go out and GET A JOB AND EARN YOUR OWN!

Oh, you must have missed my latest videos. I am being paid for my work.

But thank you very much for your concern for my welfare.

What you call your 'WORK' is LYING SCAMMING FRAUD to take advantage of people and their money. Stop the TAKE, TAKE, TAKE, get off your lazy ass and work for your own money. SCAMMING OTHERS IS NOT WORK.

What's even worse is he stole our avatar...

Turd gReid is a cagey thief!!!!!

now thats something you know all about. WELFARE!

Troy forgets to mention that HE likes to use fake account to pretend to be a troll and attack his own viewers. That way they believe Troy's lies about trolls. Let's see the proof Troy! Otherwise you are just a lying bastard.

It's the only way he can beg for pity donations...

He always has to be the poor little soy-boi victim
of trolls...When he is the troll...Cagey bastard!

you mr. reid are a liar. and your god satan is the father of all lies.

reid,all one has to do is meet you for the first time and a plethora of doubt comes to mind regarding your character.

please share this proof you claim you have troy or it doesnt exist as you always claim... we share our proof on for all to see. even you troy.