Decentralization: Eliminating The Starvation Of Creativity
Out With The Old Way, In With The New: Bringing Creativity Back To The Artist
Through out the last century, the world has been grinding away by creating structures and machinery to populate this world to provide and promote prosperity for mankind. This has been the old way, a dynamic to enrich those under these centralized systems but in some industries this becomes a very restrictive way to conduct business and sometimes can forget the little guys holding up the foundations of progress. In industry it makes sense, have centralized controllers organizing the future of the whole but in creative based markets, it becomes more and more deconstructed for allowing creative progress to flourish.
When it comes to industries of media (music, film, art) the old way has been for artists to rush to those with central systems in hopes to get under their wing so they can achieve the finances to create on a more full time basis. While this may seem attractive and many have done well under these systems of control, over the years its growing obvious that artists have less input for their own creativity and have to set a standard of what the heads at the table feel will be more profitable for their investment in the artist. While yes now and then something fresh and new will come along the way in these mediums, usually its so rare that we are now finding a lot of carbon copy entertainment and art hitting society constantly. This is not due to the lack of creativity in people, this is more due to the chains of restriction centralized hosts put on artists before releases to the world.
....a new way is rising!
It's not all doom and gloom for artists though. Over the years record labels, Hollywood moguls, and art galleries have served their purpose. They did invest a lot of money and time to generate growth in many artistic fields. Through the organization of centralized systems, there has been progress in creating multiple avenues for great talents to come to life. The issue though is not what they have done but more so now a day's how restrictive they have become.
The old dynamics of needing a talent agents to find you work is over, the need for record labels to promote and get you that studio time is also slowly becoming a thing of the past for musicians. The need for Hollywood to take your script and bring to life your creativity is also coming to a close for writers. The hard luck stories of aspiring filmmakers needing big studios to gift them the pleasure of doing what they love is also soon about to come to a close. All these areas are ancient centralized ways of conducting business because at this glorious stage in the world we now have enough technology at our disposal to independently take control back into the hands of those actually creating. It's starting to look like the taboos of decentralized systems very well maybe a more logical route at minimum for artists across the globe.
The True Freedoms of Allowing your Talents to Flow Outwards With No Central Control
1. No Dictatorship
Under more centralized ways of distributing your art and talents comes with a huge price to pay. You lose the right to become your own boss. This is a huge tragedy for any creative soul, where its you that comes with the natural born talents to create and try new things, under centralized control you have to always answer to the boss at the round table who constantly decides if what you want to do is going to profit their bottom line for their business. Sure maybe the funding could come fast and swift but you take a huge cut in earnings to constantly be told how you should create. If you have an avenue to do it yourself, to distribute your work with no boss or middle man, you can then try new things and maybe spark a change in creativity that shotguns outwards to society with advancements for your art. Did Michelangelo need an art gallery to express his talents? No he just went out there and conducted his soul into his work and is now an immortal artist who probably would never be forgotten for the uniqueness of style he provided to the world. Michelangelo ruled his art for himself with no centralized control of dictatorship to tell him how to create!
2. Flexibility to Create
Artists who have decided to take action on their own, beat to a more independent drum and travel the sovereign path towards decentralized creativity tend to find a more flexible schedule and less stress propagating deadline imposing factors on their creativity. Centralized systems will always want to bleed out that creativity on deadlines, line their pockets and stagnate an artists flow. This creates and inflexible friction on a creative person who will find those moments of creative blocks could undo their careers to create in a heartbeat. Decentralizing your life to create allows you to control, when, how, and where you feel your passions.
3. Art Does Not Conform, Neither Should The Artist
No matter what medium hosts your raw talents, music, film, painting, ect., you know in your heart that conformity seriously restricts your creative flow. Being told what to do, when to do it is just not natural for the artists nor is natural for passionate creation of any art form. Decentralized creativity does not impose this on individuals, when you control your art you control that rebellious creative nature that is needed the most to think outside of the box. This is an area vastly under appreciated but centralized systems, one that creates a cookie cutter conformity that harbors stagnant progress in the arts. Artists should never conform against their arts will to flourish and become unique.
4. Communication Breakdown
Finally, one of the worst situations an artist can go through is this, lack of communication. Anyone in many of these creative centralized communities knows very wall that businesses conduct business like a business. Art does not work this way, it is a natural expression and a flow from the heart of individuals outwards to society to speak volumes. Issue for artists under centralized rules of thumb come at a huge price of artistic communication being fell on deaf ears. Businesses manage so much more than what the artists line of work entails. Not only do they control one artist but usually hundreds on top of hundreds so the line of communication for creativity between the ruler and artist is usually always broken down. Its the industry standard that those in power usually have the final say, its their money on the line, your profits they need to raise to line their pockets so an artists say is usually limited down to minimal at best. This breakdown is really backwards, it should be the one of talent to have final say and be able to speak up for their own creations but in centralized systems, usually not the case.
5. Killing the Censorship
A huge movement in art is not only to stop the restrictions from central controls but to also allow less censorship that seems to be running very heavily on every medium now a days in the internet as of late. Artistic expression sometimes travels some fine lines that society does not deem to be acceptable but for true artistic expression, pushing some boundaries is very important. Artists don't plan to offend, sometimes they just create what the soul expresses but this sometimes hits people wrong and controversy can sometimes become the name of the game for some artists. Due to this centralized systems put a tight leash on artists to protect their image and financial earnings but it limits a lot of artists in every field. Taking control of your art means also owning the right to express yourself as you want, this is also important for progress as much as anything.
VISIO: A Team Passionate About Freeing the Arts
The beauty of this moment in history is not just limited to the possibilities to use this Blockchain Technology to free citizens from governmental control of finances but its sparked a very important movement to spread around so many fields into the logical next step of human evolution towards self managed, self initiated decentralized avenues of freedoms. The time is now to grab a hold of this gift in time before us and this is why Visio itself has been formed as a project.
We are not just a team hell bent on creating a token to line some pockets with dollar signs. That is not the drive for endless days of nights in coding our platform nor is is prime directive number one for the future of this platform to reach the public soon.
Inside the Visio team is a group of people driven to change this area of how art is created and distributed. We are not just a team of coders and marketers, but a team also of musicians, music lovers, film buffs, and even writers. We all have our own little passions in the world of art. Our biggest dreams together are to help give an option to content creators so they can get away from this centralized way of doing things and progress all of us to avenues of free choice and empowerment to control our own talents. This is the drive behind Visio and the real designed passion for the sleepless nights lately.
With Visio you get an option, a place to come home to with no overhead of rulers telling you how to do what you love. If you have a passion for it and you want to reach an audience, the platform is designed to give you every available tool at your disposal to create, share, and build your earning potentials up so you have no more needs to be controlled by anyone or any entity out there.
We are not only a team trying to build this for society but many of us in the team will also use the system ourselves as average users come launch. The passion to finally have a very advanced system that allows artistic freedom is an amazing thing to be apart of for all of us but to be able to share what we love doing as well as artists, that's what this is truly always been about!
So please, join in our cause to get this out to artists everywhere. Join in our Slack community to see how you can be more involved and let everyone know the fight to decentralize art is soon to become a major reality through the hard work and dedication going on with the Visio community and team! To become more involved, join us in our community by clicking on the following link. Every day we are active and waiting to meet more creative like minds who have passion to do things better for the arts:
-The Visio Platform Team-
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