in #cryptocurrency4 years ago


Moonconnect is a decentralized finance smart token based on the Binance smart chain (BSC). With 5,000,000 objective users and one quadrillion token, this is set to be the greatest, rewarding and promising DeFi at any point launched.

Moonconnect was a result of the powerlessness of past DeFi tokens to offer even distribution, which adds to their siphon and dump nature.

Moonconnect offers and even distribution of token; this infers that it has developed a mechanism to take out the issue of "whales," which keeps an organization or individual from holding most of the token. Moonconnect will be distributed through different means, which include airdrops, rewards. Making it different from different tokens.

Moonconnect, otherwise called MCONN, was launched on the BEP 20 Binance smart chain. MCONN is a community coin, with liquidity pool locked and ownership renounced. Moonconnect is intended for the community, which further supports its decentralized nature. Its completely decentralized nature and community backing moonconnect token is a token to hold for a long period.


Mооnсоnnесt аіmѕ tо bесоmе thе mоѕt dесеntrаlіzеd аnd fаіrlу dіѕtrіbutеd token іn thе unіvеrѕе bу rеасhіng аt lеаѕt 5.000.000 hоldеrѕ! Mоrе thаn 70% оf thе сіrсulаtіng ѕuррlу wіll bе ѕеnt thrоugh rаndоm Aіrdrорѕ, Bоuntіеѕ аnd Rеwаrdѕ.

MооnCоnnеt іѕ аn еxсеllеnt ѕуѕtеm wіth grеаt роtеntіаl аnd а ѕtrоng tеаm. Thе рrоjесt hаѕ а clear development ѕtrаtеgу thаt аllоwѕ dеvеlореrѕ tо wоrk соnfіdеntlу tо іmрrоvе thе рlаtfоrm.A ѕuреr lаtеѕt tесhnоlоgу based аmаzіng рrоjесt AWESOME STRONG AND HONEST MANAGEMENT. іt wіll brіng fіnаnсіаllу excluded tо thе nеw glоbаl есоnоmу thrоugh blосkсhаіn.


Moonconnect guarantees an even distribution of tokens. Never throughout the entire existence of DeFi has this been achieved. In any case, mechanisms have been appropriately set up to guarantee even distribution of the token. Indeed, even distribution will dispense with the danger of whales, which plague the DeFi system. This will likewise guarantee that moonconnect will stay a digital safe deposit for a long.


Locking of liquidity kills the event of "rugpull," where the developer evaporates with the financial backer's funds. Locking of liquidity adds security to the DeFi token.

Moreover, a mechanism permits 5% of every exchange to be consequently added to the liquidity pool.


Moonconnect provides users with a safe digital wallet for trading and getting their tokens.


This tries to remunerate each holder with 5% of the all out supply held in a wallet. It implies that 5% of each exchange will be rewarded the holder's wallet; this is done to support holding for a long period.


With mooncash tokens, you can get nonfungible tokens (NFTs). It will permit you to prepare, even out and contend and get more rewards.


There are likewise tools for traders. This awards traders admittance to fundamental instruments like live charts, coin trackers, and so on. The hatchery likewise permits traders to acquire mooncash, which can be used to get NFTs.

Moonconnect fixed this issue by designing a game-transformer reformist distribution mechanism. This mechanism is answerable for distributing the whole supply that was allocated (70% of the circling supply) to at least 5 million users and thusly it makes the Moonconnect: The most decentralized and genuinely distributed token ever!

By utilizing the MoonConnect reformist distribution measure, all the BSC addresses will be tracked and randomly select qualified wallets excluding Bots and send them 500 trillion $MCONN tokens similarly. This cycle contains different kinds of airdrops, bounties, and other reward crusades. Practically 70% of the all out coursing supply will be distributed to essentially 5.000.000 wallets.

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Writer's Details

Writen By: Victor6449

BitcoinTalkForum Username: Victor6449

BitcoinTalkForum Profile Link:;u=3356733

Telegram username: @Ossy20

BSC Wallet Address: 0xE0A7d8Ba6d1E6f7F8eEa853Fb1b57d2D69A5057e