The petro, crypto-currency or stew-currency?

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Greetings, friends.

Today I want to write a bit about an issue that has sounded quite lately throughout the world, nothing more and nothing less "the petrocoin" the first cryptocurrency created by a government, as they have publicized.

As it is called, "The petro is a cryptocurrency or Venezuelan digital currency, based on the technology of the block chain and backed by the reserves of various natural resources of Venezuela such as oil, gold, diamonds and gas, so far, each petro would be backed by a barrel of oil from the Venezuelan crude oil basket.

So far everything is fine, the controversy is created because the natural reserves of a country, in fact our constitution says, can not be ceded in any way, including in the form of guarantees, which indicates that the expansion of said instrument electronic could be a crime.

The National Assembly, however, insists that the system seeks a new issue of debt, outside the regular channels, to evade US sanctions, which could be described as a "crypto-bond".

In recent days, it transpired, through Reuters, that the US Treasury Department demanded "caution" from investors to avoid being penalized. "The information available indicates that, once issued, the digital currency would appear to be an extension of the credit to the Venezuelan government," a Treasury spokesperson told the agency.

Another criticism that rains over the virtual currency is the lack of confidence in the Central Bank of Venezuela, the institution in charge of issuing it, since the country is experiencing one of the worst hyperinflations that has already exceeded an accumulated rate of 1,000% in 2017, together with the high rates of scarcity.

Therefore, even if it is not tangible, it has to be bought and it is already forecasted, the expectation around the Petro increases and it is expected to start operating officially to evaluate the receptivity of the unprecedented currency.

Thank you for reading my note, I hope it has been to your liking.


Una vez Henry Ford dijo "Está claro que la gente no entiende el sistema bancario y monetario, porque si lo entendiera, creo que habría una revolución mañana por la mañana" en otras palabras grandes medios de comunicación están haciendo hasta lo imposible por decir que esta criptomoneda no sirve, ¿Por que no sirve? ¿Cuales son las bases cientificas que sustentan esa acusación?¿Realmente es una estafa como dicen?, veamos desde otra perspectiva, hoy en día la única moneda con la que puedes hacer la gran mayoría de las transacciones mundiales es con el dolar y para comprar petróleo debes hacerlo exclusivamente dolares (Hasta este 26 de marzo de 2018), y todo esto debido a una reunión que sostuvo el ex presidente estadounidense Richard Nixon con el rey saudí Faisal bin AbdelAziz en junio 1974 donde acordaron que toda transacción para la compra y venta de petróleo se debe realizar con dolares a cambio de protección, de aquí la denominación de Petrodolar. La realidad es que el dolar en la actualidad es imponente, obligando a diversas naciones a adquirir dolares y posteriormente endeudarse con la Federal Reserve System en sus siglas FED (que no es del gobierno sino privada). Fijense lo que paso con Irak y Libia, países que retaron al Petrodolar, aceptando euros en vez de dolar por la venta de petroleo y miren lo que les paso fueron destruidos, ahora es China en la actualidad quien reta al Petrodolar, China es el comprador numero 1 de petroleo a nivel mundial , China compra petroleo a Rusia, y desde este 26 de marzo de 2018 decidió que todas sus compras petroleras se pagarían en su Moneda el Yuan (¿Quien va a querer Yuan en vez del dolar? se preguntarían ustedes, pero la realidad es este país para dar atractivo al Yuan, anunció que su moneda regrasa al patrón oro s decir estara respaldada por Oro, "Tremendo detalle" ¿No?, eso quiere decir que el Yuan desde este 26 de marzo es la unica moneda que esta respaldada por Oro a nivel mundial, los grandes empresarios saben muy bien que una monedas cuando está respaldada por un mineral precioso su valor se incrementa, porque simplemente, no se devalúa, Donald Trump y Robert Kiyosaki lo saben y lo han dicho en todos sus libros de educación financiera (Padre rico padre pobre, El toque de midas, incrementa tu IQ financiero, entre otros) y ellos lo saben. Ahora bien la criptomoneda Petro en Venezuela está respaldado en Petróleo, su idea de diseño tiene su origen en Rusia y China, mas que una forma de evadir las sanciones americanas es abrir las puertas a las naciones a comercializar de una manera diferente al dolar, pongan atención ya hay países que estan preparando sus criptomonedas centralizadas que pronto saldrán a la luz. Toda esta estructura que se arma es para destronar el dolar, ha llegado la hora de despertar, ¿Se han dado cuenta de algo ? ¿les parece extraño que los grandes medios de comunicacion a nivel internacional no digan nada en Hispanoamerica sobre el éxito del Petro Yuan y su impacto en la economía mundial?, y lo unico que hacen es criticar duramente el Petro, acusar a Rusia del caso de Skripal, disipar información sobre el aumento de los aranceles del 25 % del aluminio y el acero que impuso USA a China unos días antes de lanzar el Petroyuan, asi mismo como divulgan por todos lados la firma del acta por Trump donde restringe el Petro y creo que esta bastante claro, son las grandes elites a traves de sus titeres y grandes medios de comunicacion que juegan un complot y evitar así la caida del Petrodolar. Esto que esta aqui no lo invento, los invito a revisar los temas de geopolitica a profundidad porque es serio lo que esta ocurriendo, no solo lo que dicen los grandes medios globales y redes sociales es cierto.
Finalmente en la actualidad esto esta ocurriendo:
(China compra petróleo y pagara en Yuanes, Vladimir Putin presidente de Rusia recientemente acaba de mencionar su poderío único e insuperable en armamento con misiles de alcance ilimitado que ningun otro gobierno tiene, El Presidente de Corea del Norte Kim Jong-un acaba de reunirse con el presidente de China Xi Jinping, Venezuela lanzo el Petro y cotiza su petróleo en Yuanes, Alemania y Hungria repatrian su oro, Rusia, Turquía y el ejercito Sirio recuperaron las zonas de Afrin y Guta oriental en Siria, Inglaterra acusa a Rusia por Caso Skripal sin presentar pruebas que lo confirmen)... Nos encontramos en una guerra de divisas y comercial, lo que sigue es la guerra mundial.

#Petrodolar #Petroyuan #Petroleo #Petro #Criptomonedas #Yuan #Dolar #Educacionfinanciera #Guerradedivisas #Guerracomercial #Negocios #Patronoro

Si, realmente pienso igual que tu con relación al tema de la guerra de divisas, hoy en día mas marcada, pero la realidad es que cada moneda debería estar respaldada en sus minerales, como se hace desde la edad media, pues el dinero como lo conocemos, debe estar respaldado por las reservas en oro de cada nación (practica que en la actualidad tiene vigencia), en nuestro caso las reservas de oro están muy por debajo del volumen de dinero impreso en la nación, lo que conocemos como dinero inorgánico, ahora las criptomonedas comunes tienen características muy distintas, no poseen valor tangible, no espero que el petro sea un fracaso, solamente creo que las reservas de petroleo de la nación no deben ser usadas como garantías sin consultar al pueblo o por lo menos a los otros poderes, de hecho me gustaría que fuera todo un éxito pero no debe caer en la ilegalidad, gracias por tu comentario.

Once Henry Ford said "It is clear that people do not understand the banking and monetary system, because if they understood it, I think there would be a revolution tomorrow morning" in other words, the big media are doing everything they can to say that this cryptocurrency does not work, why does not it work? What are the scientific bases that support this accusation? Is it really a scam as they say ?, Let's see from another perspective, today the only currency with which you can do the vast majority of global transactions is with the dollar and to buy oil must be made exclusively dollars (Until this March 26, 2018), and all this due to a meeting held by former US President Richard Nixon with Saudi King Faisal bin AbdelAziz in June 1974 where they agreed that any transaction for the purchase and sale of oil must be made with dollars in exchange for protection, hence the Petrodolar denomination. The reality is that the dollar is currently imposing, forcing various nations to acquire dollars and then borrowing with the Federal Reserve System in its acronym FED (which is not government but private). Look what happened with Iraq and Libya, countries that challenged the Petrodolar, accepting euros instead of dollar for the sale of oil and look what happened to them were destroyed, now it is China that currently challenges the Petrodolar, China is the buyer number 1 of petroleum worldwide, China buys oil to Russia, and from this March 26, 2018 decided that all its oil purchases would be paid in its Currency Yuan (Who will want Yuan instead of the dollar? , but the reality is this country to make the Yuan attractive, announced that its currency returns to the gold standard if it will be backed by Oro, "Tremendo detalle" No, that means that the Yuan since this March 26 is the only one currency that is backed by Gold worldwide, large entrepreneurs know very well that a currency when it is backed by a precious mineral its value increases,
because it simply does not devalue, Donald Trump and Robert Kiyosaki know it and have said it in all their books of financial education (rich father poor father, The touch of midas, increase your financial IQ, among others) and they know it. Now the cryptocurrency Petro in Venezuela is backed by Petroleum, its design idea has its origin in Russia and China, more than a way to evade American sanctions is to open the doors to nations to market in a different way to the dollar, put attention there are already countries that are preparing their centralized cryptocurrencies that will soon come to light. All this structure that is armed is to dethrone the dollar, the time has come to wake up, have you noticed something? Do you find it strange that the major media at international level say nothing in Hispanoamerica about the success of the Petro Yuan and its impact on the world economy ?, and all they do is criticize the Petro harshly, accuse Russia of the case of Skripal, dissipate information about the increase of the tariffs of 25% of the aluminum and steel that USA imposed on China a few days before launching the Petroyuan, as well as they spread everywhere the signature of the minutes by Trump where it restricts the Petro and I think that is quite clear, are the big elites through their puppets and large media that play a plot and thus avoid the fall of the Petrodolar. This is not what I invent here, I invite you to review the issues of geopolitics in depth because it is serious what is happening, not only what the big global media and social networks say is true.
Finally, this is happening now:
(China buys oil and pays in Yuan, Russian President Vladimir Putin recently just mentioned its unique and unsurpassed power in missile weapons of unlimited range that no other government has, The President of North Korea Kim Jong-un just met with Chinese President Xi Jinping, Venezuela launched the Petro and traded its oil in Yuan, Germany and Hungary repatriated its gold, Russia, Turkey and the Syrian army recovered the areas of Afrin and Eastern Guta in Syria, England accuses Russia by Skripal Case without presenting evidence to confirm it) ... We are in a currency and commercial war, what follows is the world war.