Workpoints as the base of basic income.

“When it becomes about the work, you can build a planet from scratch.”
Reggie Whibbey

Workpoints are the worth of work in a basic income.
Here's why,

What is the best course of actions to provide a basic income and ensure that work gets done? Let the basic income really be that, basic. It is the easiest income to receive. It is the minimum income. The most basic minimum income that can be. These jobs will be basic and capable by most people, hence basic income. Also as a basic income, everyone is being paid the same sum every week. The most important question we face given our choice. How do we get people to do many kinds of work for the same pay? Our solution is the WORKPOINT.

The workpoint gives us the ability to have everyone work different jobs and still be paid the same. Everyone will work the same number of workpoints. This is how everyone does an equal sum of work for the same pay. Everyone has a list of work they must accomplish for the week. Each of these basic income jobs has a specific workpoint value.


How do u establish a basic list of workpoints? Who gets to determine the workpoint value for all the work of men? The congress of HWL the ISC does this. The ISC creates and iterates the master list till the servants of life finalize the list and update the system. There is a guideline,

Where, 1 Workpoint equals the set of all work point values(wpv) such that entree wpv1 equals the maximum percentage of total votes.

We also see that the weekly workpoints is 35. This number is the total sum of workpoints that we all have to work for the basic income. This number is also the total maximum value that a job can have. In other words, a job can have a workpoint value between 1 and 35. The workpoint value of the job is determined by the voting of the members of HWL. For example, we need to decide the workpoints for washing a car. We ask the members to vote, they can choose 1 to 35. Some people choose high and some choose midway but most choose 6. Since most of the people voted for six the workpoints for that job will be six.
So when a job is worth 2 wkpts is has the majority of the people vote that the job is worth 2 workpoints. The job is worth 3 workpoints because most of us said it is. The same with the rare job worth 35 workpoints, it is worth that because the majority of the votes favored it. So in order to work every fairly, we created the workpoint.

Workpoints are what you earn in the HWL.
Here's why

How do you build a transaction without currency?

Firstly we are paid upfront, we receive our 500 hvc before we do a single job. When a profile is completely verified, 500 hvc will be sent to that profile balance. Since you have already been paid we use workpoints as a reward for completing work.
Secondly, we are all doing different work for the same pay. Even though each profile has different work, they are working the same number of workpoints each week. Every profile has to work a total of 35 workpoints every week.
So in order to make the system fair we created the workpoint.

So easy, it's like its guaranteed...

Usually,in a list site like this, all the listings are in prices. It is the common thing, work then gets paid, or get paid half then the rest upon completion. In the HWL we are all, already paid. We get paid up front weekly to work. When it is time to show up to the job and complete the job, we still need that metric. A measuring device to describe the interaction. In days of old we had the estimated cost vs the real cost. In this new day and age, we have the workpoint. Instead of a job being worth 200 dollars it is worth 20 workpoints. Instead of getting paid 60$ to mow the grass you earn 6 workpoints. Instead of getting paid .000 something bitcoin to post to facebook, get .2 workpoints.

Since we have taken out the currency we need to replace it with something better. Workpoints are the abstract expression of the total tangible actions of humanity. This reason is why the workpoint replaces currency as the metric of jobs completed.

Ratings instead of paying...

Workpoints are the backbone of the rating system. The workpoints are the stored variables from all the jobs completed, attempted or failed. Every job done on the heaven worklist will be rated and commented on before workpoints can be awarded. Both the Worker and the Lister must rate and comment to complete the work. These rating and comments will be stored and used to better match workers with work. For example, John has just finished washing a car for Lucy, they are both standing by the car, Lucy speaks, “John Imma give you a 5 star rating and pick super cleaner for comment.” John looking pleased says, “ Lucy thank you, Imma 5 you too and put great cleaning supplies as a comment.”
“thank you John”. The tapping of phones is soon over and they hit send.
John speaks, “how long til we ...” a ding yesification.
“that long” speaks Lucy look at her phone. It reads, you have receive .5 workpoints thank you and list again.
“Oooh cool I just passed 1000 workpoints in car detailing, and got 50 heavencoins”
“I got one of those for tutoring last week, good job. heaven heaven John”.
“heaven heaven Lucy”

As we see, instead of currency changing hands at the end, we have ratings changing hands at the end of the transaction. This is done because we are all paid at the front. Since we are paid upfront we must work for workpoints. Since we are all doing different jobs we must work for workpoints. Since we are all getting paid the same we must work for workpoints. Since a job is only done after the rating we must work for workpoints.