Wondering How Blockchain is Going to Change Email Security?- Look What ProtonMail is Doing

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Conventional email services like Google, risk privacy and security of their user’s database by selling the advertising space which enables third-party access to user’s email account and creates a room for hackers to move into with a motive to intercept emails and even delete them if server coincidently runs out of space.

Blockchain stores encrypted messages on a decentralized network permanently, securing information for the recipient only. Some services are already equipped with blockchain-based ProtonMail-Nxtcoin blockchain has Cryptamail encrypting its emails, John McAfee’s Swiftmail entrusts SwiftCoin and Envilope masters encryption with the “lock” restricting email viewing to a certain time and place.

User familiar interface is still present despite dependence on blockchain which creates a possibility of human error. Absent-minded leakage of secure email passwords or accidental sharing of the private key of a crypto wallet is not new.

Image source: https://bit.ly/2LSORxG

Thus, even if ProtonMail is taken as a token offer, it can help in restructuring the email platform and security codes along with maximizing it with the addition of completely new features.

Would love your insights over this, please share your views in the comments below :)

Thanks for reading.