Fiat, Sorry For The Inconvenience

We're not here to take part, we're here to take over
We can directly notice this property. Fiat currency (Dollar, Yen, Pound & etc) can be viewed and kept physically, while the crypto currency is all digital or it can be called virtual money. It's all done with our phone or computer. While fiat money is tangible and there are costs in production - the pennies and dimmers cost more than one ear to produce an ear and it is not very effective for us to continue producing these coins.
The money we hold in our pockets and in the banks is issued by the government and controlled by it and the banking system, while with cryptocurrency - it's decentralized. It is not owned or created by a banking system or by a government. No one owns cryptocurrency, and this is accessible to everyone. We control our own crypto coins and no other intermediary involved.
It's about inflation vs deflation. The value of fiat money is deflated as time goes by. A few decades ago, when we go to the shopping or grocery store, our cart is full of goods, but today given the same amount, we can not even fill the basket of groceries. The price of goods grew rapidly, while the value of FIAT money deflates. Unlike cryptocurrency, its value keeps rising day by day.
Cryptocurrency is the next evolution of banking. We are in the perfect place at the perfect time when there is technology for moving money around right away. It's more efficient, faster and more secure. There is an accounting system that is truly integrated into the economy's design and how the money goes. There are many benefits for people and businesses to adopt crypto currency.
thanks for information on cryto world news🙂
I always find it funny how banks fail to recognise the fact that for at least the last decade people have been moving away from a paper based environment to a digital one, an with the adoption of things like mobile banking, wireless banking, apple pay and others of that ilk, there is very little differences other than the regulatory means (which in no way benefits the little people)
I think when the mainstream population get introduced on scale to crypto it would be easily adopted, however given a large proportion of the population don't have bank accounts its difficult for them to buy currency especially in light of our discussion yesterday and the big exchanges and their KYC requirements. If those could be simplified so that people have easier access to cryptocurrencies you would see a much higher uptake and the banks would be left rubbing their heads wondering what happened.
Great post! Cryptocurrencies are hitting multiple walls in 2018; India have announce that they will take serious measures to stop the use of cryptocurrencies, but are supportive of the blockchain. It will be an interesting year, because theoretically cryptocurrencies would be much more safe and convenient than FIAT, but in reality there are many limitations due to blocks such as the one India is imposing.
I would really appreciate any feedback you have on my latest post, aimed at moving more people to Steemit by showing them how to create more income on Steemit.
Just need a valuable feedback from your end. Would the announcement made by the Finance Minister while presenting the Union Budget 2018 impact the functionality for many Indians on this platform? Can we work here freely without any fear of losing out the opportunity given to us? Many of us see this as a blogging career and such comment from the government demotivates overall. How to cope up with this?
Thanks for the comment - honestly, I do not know and no-one else will for a few weeks or months until we see what the regulations are. I hope it all goes well for you and I will support Steemit bloggers of course!
Change is imminent! So long, worthless fiat money. There, I said it. That just felt really good typing that out in all
Great post. Fiat you are dying and $,£... rest in peace soon. Fat cats, banksters, etc be losing a lot of power and money this year.
Corporations be losing business to community start ups on the Steem Smart Media Token and other bockchains.
@Tradewonk cryptocurrency is the future. No one can stop cyrptocurrency. People love to keep cryptocurrency. There is lot of benefit. Share market is trying to mold govt. to ban crypto so people only invest in shares. I we are taking risk in shares so why not we should take risk in crypto. Crytpocurrency is the revolution of 21st century and fully circulated in 22nd century.
It is the simplicity of this post I guess that makes it interesting, lol and really like the poster attached.
Long live crypto and the revolution :-)
Thank you :-)
I agree! Cryptocurrencies are here to stay and they are solving the monetary issues they are having today. We just need more people around the world aware of this so that they can get on board and see the technology that comes from it, the value of it and to improve all their financial situations they are in. Fiat is only going to keep going down as years passes by.
agree with you 100%. RESIST. PROTEST. WIN. BE FREE.
Cryptocurrency is the new future. What will happen to the banks and paper money in the next years can be surprising :)