Crypto Crash - My only option is..

WOW!! All I can say is: WOW!

Everything has been double digit red - for two and a half days in a row now - and it doesn't look like it is stopping anytime soon. Panic?

Yesterday I spent the evening on price charts, drawing support lines and setting up alerts, just to see if any of these got broken, and guess what, plenty of alerts, most of my coins are seriously down. Panic?

In normal times one could crush under the pressure and start selling-off coins, but that - for me - would mean serious losses, and lately I can't afford losses at all - I still have the scars of the last ones.

It would be ideal now to see how down it goes, and start buying my same coins, taking advantage of the dip and lowering their average buy-price, but guess what: I have no money to put in this, my budget has been invested hoping for great things to happen. Some have, some haven't, that's the crypto world.

Basically, nothing I can do right now - useless to panic and look at the charts ten times a day, and also useless to swear at the missed bargains that are there now - I can't buy those low cost coins.. No dinero available!!

So maybe it's time to take a break, open the window, and enjoy this sunny day with the kids - chill and relax..

As the song goes: "Que sara sara - whatever will be , will be!"

Have a nice day!!

The Mandarin


You should always have a backup plan. Maybe cryptos should be your backup plan instead.

I suggest going through faucets right now, since they should give a lot more than usual per claim. If crypto rises, it's a good bonus. If it doesn't, you can still cash it out.

You should be doing something outside cryptos anyway. Start a website or some other small scale business. Time is money! If you can't afford to lose money, don't waste time, either.

Hi, thanks for the advice... Fortunately cryptos is only something I am testing at the moment, I don't use it to support my life and family.. although it would be nice if it could, in the future, give me a steady income.

Well, cryptos are currency, right? Maybe try starting something that deals with it as a currency. Goods/services. If you do, let me know... I'll probably be your customer.

where are you from , maybee i can deliver you vegan delicious food ? hshaha i only accept a big huge list of coin as payement hahaha but no fiat money ! :)

at the moment i play dead ! waiting that the market revive me ! :P
Live and enjoy the bubble will gets bigger and bigger each time its gets smaller ...

hI, I hope so, recenly it has been down a lot. Playing dead seems like a good strategy :)