How to join the Cryptopia exchange - Walkthrough
Looking to open an account with Cryptopia, but don't know if it's reliable? Opening an account at a new exchange can be daunting. Especially if you're opening the account for a particular cryptocurrency. As daunting as it may be, getting a coin before it hits a bigger exchange can put you at an advantage in terms of returns in the long run. Let's get you started on the lesser known exchange, Cryptopia.
The first thing you're going to want to do is visit the official Cryptopia website, once you're there, click on the Register button on the top right.
You'll be redirected the registration page where you'll have to fill out the standard new account form that is typical of other websites. Use a valid email, as you will need to confirm your account via email verification. Click on Register to proceed to the next step.
Once the form is submitted, you'll be notified that they have sent you an email to verify your account.
Check your inbox for the email that was sent to you. Once you've opened your email, click on Verify My Email Address button.
You'll be redirected to Cryptopia where you'll get a green notification stating you account has been verified. Click on the Login button next to sign in with your newly created account.
You'll be taken to the standard sign in form where you can put in your credentials. Click on Log In once your credentials are filled in.
Once that form is submitted, you'll be taken to Cryptopia's home page. Congrats! You can now start trading on Cryptopia.