
I share good stuff regularly.

You really should look at what I just posted in the privacy/breaking news sector 2 mins ago. It affects everyone and is good news.

-- have a good night

Hi, @barrydutton We would love to see more of your work.
Does this mean we may have permission to pehaps share your
work in future issues of our magazine? Wishing you a great day/evening.
PostHuntress, @the-curator

Sure, anytime you want.

I've worked hard here, to develop my posts, ideas, formatting and audience, may as well share away.

Just message me back when you share my content, I cannot get to all the replies anymore but I try.

It sucks now they changed the reply system here weeks ago, very inefficient from all angles.

have a good weekend.

Awsome... Thank you so much. And yes, we will always
Communicate with you. Changes are not always easy or pleasant.
But I have come to expect them online. So I just try adapt to them. The one thing that does aggravate me a bit, is they seem to have taken away my alerts. Now that is just silly. I sure hope they give them back. You have a great weekend as well, @barrydutton =)