Our Money System Compared to The CryptoCurrency

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

Crypto money compared to the cash and scriptural money

Each consumer paid in the present time with cash purchased Goods or services. But that could change in the near future.

In Germany, led for months by a debate on the limitation of cash. The state wants to tell you, as a consumer, in the future, so that you can pay for your purchases above a certain amount, only cashless.

Many consumers also lose, increasingly, the trust in the current currency and look for Alternatives. In 2009, a fairly unknown of a new currency was created, gaining currently in popularity, trust and value. The speech is from the so-called crypto-money. This is a crypto-currency. It differs in some respects from the known scriptural money of the banks.

What is a crypto-currency is in comparison to the money?
(c) Can Stock Photo / spaxiaxIn most countries of the world is currently paid with coins and bills. In addition, the money is on the accounts of credit institutions, which manage the money of the customers.

The money money that is on the accounts and, at any time, in paper money can be converted. This money forms the basis of our entire payment traffic. However, notes and coins are increasingly losing in importance.

The last crisis has shown that the European Central Bank the System only when it helps with a lot of money. The entire banking and money system would have already collapsed if the ECB had not used the individual countries under the arms. They could ensure only by the fact that she has printed money and the money supply increases.

As a result, Inflation is rising, however, is sustainable, and the coins and Bills lose value.

The year 2009 – the beginning of a small Revolution

Already in the year 2009, therefore, a previously little-known group or Person called “Satoshi Nakamoto” so-called crypto-created money.

With the crypto - money is a Revolution against the present money and banking system began, after all, the banks regulate at the expense of the customers full payment.

When crypto-money is a digital currency on the Internet. In principle, the crypto-money is comparable to the scriptural money.

It is, however, in a digital Form on the Internet and is not controlled by the banks and controlled.

Crypto money is in the Internet in a digital wallet. These are called Wallets. It can even earn interest. As the scriptural money of the banks, the crypto-money is not a legally recognized means of payment.

Nevertheless, there are already many stores that accept the crypto-money as a means of payment.

Digital money is created exclusively by its members. Members of the Community that is created for the crypto worry about money, to be called "Miner", since the manufacture of crypto is compared to money, often with the gold search.

How to create members of the Community, the crypto-money?
Crypto money must be calculated on the Internet by powerful Computer. This process is called Bitcoin Mining.

You can compare the creation of crypto money with the solution of a math task. The Computer of the individual members try to solve this task.

For the solution of a task, you get a digital coin. However, the solution to the math problem is very difficult, and only every 10 minutes it creates one of the millions of members to solve the task. After that, all members of the Community to get a new task and try to solve this.

In addition, not only the task itself, but also the level of difficulty changes. Sometimes, the solution for the task will be easier and sometimes more difficult. In addition, the number of Bitcoins that gets the member that it solves is reduced with the task. You need a powerful Computer and patience to Bitcoins.

Crypto money is always limited in quantity

The biggest Problem of our current financial system, the Inflation.

Many people fear that their money is losing value. Surely you have wondered what actually happens in the case of a big Inflation with your savings?

Also you have ever thought about how safe the Euro is actually. The fact is that Inflation devalues your money, piece by piece. The reason for this is that the Euro is not limited.

The crypto-money, however, is limited in quantity, and cannot therefore lose their value. It will win in the future. Already now, for example, the Bitcoin has experienced since 2009, a very significant increase in value. When Bitcoin is the most well-known crypto-money.

The increase in value from the fact that the members of the Community believe in the crypto-money. Also, the Euro is only worth something if you believe in it.

However, less and less people believe in the real value of the Euro, because the state will print any amount of money and the currency could collapse at any time.

With the crypto money, that will not happen, because the state may not have access to the currency. The inventor of the crypto money has determined that there is only a limited number of math tasks and, therefore, units of currency, which you can solve. Thus, Inflation is excluded.

Crypto money is independent of banks and governments

Einer der größten Vorteile des Kryptogeldes ist die Unabhängigkeit von Banken und Staaten.

Wenn Sie an den Euro denken, stellen Sie schnell fest, dass dieser von Staaten und Banken gesteuert bzw. kontrolliert und verwaltet wird. Das Kryptogeld hingegen wird ausschließlich durch seine Mitglieder geschaffen und in digitalen Geldbörsen verwaltet.

Banken werden dafür nicht benötigt. Staaten und Banken haben keinen Zugriff darauf und können somit keinen Einfluss nehmen.

Wenn Sie selbst Kryptogeld besitzen, dann sind Sie die einzige Person, die Ihr digitales Konto kontrolliert. Sie können das eigene Geld anonym an andere Menschen überweisen oder Geld von ihnen empfangen. Das alles ist komplett ohne Bank möglich.

The Blockchain and the financial world

Surely, you think, now, that without the control of the banks is not clear, who transfers to whom money. Finally, credit institutions can serve the useful function that you can record each transaction.

However, the financial system as you know it is, by banks and States to manipulate. When crypto-money such Manipulation is not possible.

The so-called Blockchain. The Blockchain can be translated as "data chain". If you send crypto money to another Person, this happens completely anonymously.

Nevertheless, your Transfer will be stored in a data record (Block) is encrypted and managed in a decentralised way. You can compare this with the record on a statement of account. Someone pays you a crypto-money that is saved this data set as well. Through these two transactions, two data blocks are already created, which are strung together. This results in the Blockchain.

The Blockchain is revolutionizing currently, the entire financial world. The biggest Problem of our current financial system is that banks and States, each transaction is monitored and tracked. They are almost a completely transparent Bank customer.

The state wants your data, he turns to your Bank. With the Blockchain, this is not possible, because the data is stored in a decentralised manner by all the members. In addition, the locally stored data are encrypted. It is, therefore, not understandable, to whom you have transferred money. Furthermore, the Blockchain is not manipulated. This is a huge advantage over our current financial system.

So you can earn with the Mining money

Natürlich werden Sie sich nun fragen, wie auch Sie mit einer digitalen Währung Geld verdienen können. Schließlich kann ja jedes Mitglied der Community eigenes Kryptogeld berechnen. Im Jahr 2009 war es noch relativ leicht, mit dem eigenen Computer Kryptogeld zu errechnen.

Inzwischen sind die Matheaufgaben jedoch sehr schwierig geworden, sodass die Leistungsfähigkeit Ihres eigenen Computers nicht mehr ausreicht, um sie zu lösen. Sie könnten zwar theoretisch Ihren Computer nutzen und versuchen, eine der komplexen Aufgaben zu entschlüsseln. Allerdings werden Sie immer das Nachsehen haben, wenn Sie nicht über sehr viele wirklich sehr starke und leistungsfähige Rechner verfügen.

Aus diesem Grund schließen sich seit einiger Zeit die Mitglieder der Community in „Mining Pools“ zusammen. Im Prinzip bedeutet das, dass Sie nicht nur Ihre eigenen Computer nutzen, um Kryptogeld zu berechnen, sondern die Rechenleistung von mehreren Rechnern gemeinsam nutzen.

Die Gemeinschaft ist insgesamt also stärker und leistungsfähiger. Wird eine komplexe Matheaufgabe von den Mitgliedern des Pools gelöst, muss das Kryptogeld natürlich unter allen beteiligten Personen aufgeteilt werden.

Doch dieses Prinzip setzt sich durch und ist sehr erfolgreich. Es gibt derzeit auf der ganzen Welt viele verschiedene Mining Pools und stetig werden es mehr.

Mining Pools are the solution!

Now you have to imagine that you can't of course link to your own Computer, just like with other computers, to calculate the all-day crypto money. For this reason, the Mining Pools work a little differently.

Most Mining Pools have bought huge halls with very expensive and powerful computers, or rented, to calculate crypto-money. However, you need money for the rent or purchase cost. Now you come into play. You do not need to provide your own Computer, to participate in a Mining Pool. Instead, you can conveniently purchase so-called "Mining packages" and, therefore, the Mining Pool to participate.

So you support a certain amount of Mining Pool and receive a share of the calculated crypto-money. You invest money and your earned percentage received in the Form of crypto money. In principle, you make so gold diggers of money for machines and get a share of the gold discovery.

If you invest now, consider, in the currency of the future, we can recommend the Mining Pool of cryptogold.de . Pay attention in the choice of the Mining Pools, you join a successful community, which solves on a regular basis the “math tasks” and crypto money is generated. Cryptogold.de it is such a successful Mining Pool with a strong community.

Unfortunately, there are also many small and less successful Mining Pools. These you should avoid, because they solve enough (computing)tasks!