Ethereum classic !! HOT in Market !!

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Hello Friend,

I am hoping you all are doing good and having wonderful weekend going on.

Today I am going to share my thoughts and research on Ethereum Classic and its coming trends on crypto market.

Before we deep dive into the concept ,you must be thinking about why we have ethereum classic when we already have ethereum? right? and may be what's the difference between these two ethereum ??

Let's understand it in simple way -

Before the ethereum classic there was only 1 ethereum which is ETH we know. there was a online fund called DAO approximate 2 years ago that raised their ETH based funds upto $150 million that time.

Now due to some problem in ethereum blockchain code $50 million worth ethereum got stolen/hacked/taken out due to misplace of key.(there are still lots of debate on this if it was a heck or stolen ).

Now the community of Ethereum has to come up with some innovation to recover this $50 approximate million ethereum tokens. there were lots of ideas mentioned by contributors of this community and blockchain developers and they finalized that we should stop this current blockchain longest chain and create something new however there were few people on this community those were not in favor of this decision and because of this different opinion they had voting within community and finally decided to do fork.

Now the people who still want to continue they decided to continue with existing longest chain continue and named it as ethereum classic blockchain. In other words ethereum classic is nothing but the original blockchain for ethereum and follows same rules & protocols .

Long story in short both are ethereum only, now you must be thinking of then why the price of ethereum is more then ethereum classic then per my understanding its because of two things -

  1. Market speculation
  2. Real life use cases

We all know for ethereum has more positive speculation and ongoing effort in real life use cases compare to ethereum classic that's why ethereum classic toekn/coin is less worth then the ETH coin.

Now coming back to topic what's going on with Ethereum classic and why now a days its trending in market.

One of the biggest reason why ETC (Ethereum classic) is HOT right now is Coinbase. we all know that coinbase continuously sending updates about the listing of ethereum classic .

Only few hours ago Coinbase said that they have finalized listing of ETC. To know more about it please read this -

Along with that Ethereum classic ready with their yearly summit in seoul, south korea and there are expectation of some positive announcement and about new engagements. which can also trigger market price of ETC.

There are some major projects with ETC those will play important role in ETC future.

Few Major projects with ETC are -

  1. Classic GETH
  2. Mantis
  3. Emerald Platform

I hope you would have liked reading this & Thank you for reading me far, if you like give it a up-vote, it helps me a lot, if you don't like it, leave a comment telling why, maybe we can start a discussion about it. Also if you know anything more about ethereum classic ,please share in comment section.

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Sunil Tikar
Steemit profile - @suniltikar


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