Kambria Is Creating Crowd Sourced Crypto Funded Robots

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago


Have you ever thought of combining cryptocurrency and open-source robots? That's a double dose of the future, but that's exactly what Kambria is about to do.

By using an open-source modular design concerning software, electrical systems, and physical designs Kambria will not only speed up the idea to working concept, process, it will revolutionize the entire robotics industry.

It begins when a stakeholder purchases KAT, Kambria's token. The stakeholder then specifies the project details and timeline and offers a bounty to anyone contributing to the project. Software designers join the project and make their contributions, either by modifying pre-existing code modules or by starting from scratch. Once the specified objectives are met they are paid by smart contract. The project then goes to the electrical stage where the physical components are programmed. When these objectives are met, and the team is paid, the designers take over and design the robot, using pre-existing or original parts. The robot then goes to the manufacturing stage where the robot is created. From here it is up to the stakeholder to either use the robot or sell it to end users or other companies.

The speed of Kambria comes from the reusable design of the software, electrical components, and robotic body parts. This cuts down on development time and thus cost. Imagine if an already existing robot is just what you need except that you want the hand to be smaller and waterproof. You can simply redesign that part of it. That will cut down development time from years to months, or even weeks since you don't have to start from scratch.

There are other incentives for developers to participate in the project besides bounties. It may be possible to make a residual income once the robots are created. When a robot is sold a portion of the profits might revert to the community of individuals that helped create it. Another interesting idea is the concept of robot labor. Instead of purchasing a robot, a company hires one to perform labor instead. When the robot receives it's paycheck, it's creators also receive a small share of the income.

The ability of cryptocurrency to act as a ledger ensures that all participants will be paid and the token's ability to cross borders instantly makes payment of bounties to participants across the globe fast, simple, and secure. There is more information on the token, how it will work, and how to acquire it on the Kambria website. For much more information on this innovative project that goes into greater detail please read the Kambria Whitelist. It's an excellent read that explains the creation of robots and the pros and cons of building one.

Let's take a look at the official video for a broader overview.

As you can see there is much more to this project than I can explain in one article. Beta release and token issuance is scheduled for the third quarter of 2018. Sign up on the website to keep up with the latest news. You can also follow them on Facebook, Twitter, Medium, and Telegram.