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RE: I was interviewed by Nanu Berks at the first "Exist Festival" crypto-arts festival in Austin - here's video.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

To anybody watching this...

When you see the individuals, I use that word deliberately, at the intro and outro of this video, compare them with the mindless, "status quo" automatons wandering like zombies to their "jobs" and reporting to "the man" to ensure they "fit in" whenever the opportunity arises...

Agreeing with every statement that is spoken to them each day, shooting down anything that may sound, different, controversial or that has the risk to single them out as different


Who looks happier, whose smile shines and radiates outwards affecting everything in the vicinity more?

Ooh! Decentralised city, nice concept.

Cool interview, re-stating the principles behind Free Talk and staking our claim on the future.

We are seriously at the cusp of something ENORMOUS...I mean it...Really!

We are gonna change the frickin world.

Images courtesy of the AWESOMETASTICAL Pixabay.