Charity Coin - Masternodes that give to the world

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago


What is Charity Coin ?
Charity coin is an opportunity to do charity by using cryptocurrency.

The main idea of the project is that everyone can donate and contribute to a charity, but now can choose cryptocurrency over traditional currencies. Choosing Charity Coin, you can start changing the world for the better right here and now!

From the website:
The main objective of Charity Coin is to: acquire a significant breadth within the cryptocurrency world and provide financial assistance aimed at selected charities quarterly. The financial assistance would be up to 3% of the average quarterly turnover of Charity Coin.

Each transaction is completely transparent. From the very beginning, everything is programmed into the blockchain. According to the parameters of Charity Coin, 3% of the block reward is always transferred to the "Charity Wallet" where the balance and transactions can be seen by everyone.

To keep the choice of the charity impartial, at the end of each quarter the Masternode owners can vote on the next charity. The most popular organization or event voted for is then supported by Charity Coin with charity contributions for that quarter.

Why Charity coin?
Going through and talking with the team of charity coin they are very transparent about everything going on within the economy and development of the coin. Questions are answered quickly and there is always someone available for support. Now the idea and infrastructure of the coin is where it begins to shine. With an automatic fund setup for the charities that the community has picked to be funded, the only question will be how much the charities will receive. This will be up to the market though as with any other coin. With the induction of masternodes into the coin economy it will help with price fluctuation and create a lower supply available to exchanges. As the network grows the price will stabilize more and find its place.

Coin Specs
Coin name: Charity coin
Coin ticker: CHRT
Block time: 60 sec
Rewards masternode 78%
Rewards PoS 19%
Charity 3%
Max supply: 25 000 000 CHRT
Premine: 75 000 CHRT
Collateral: 1000 CHRT

Block height Reward

1 - 30 000 blocks: 3 CHRT
30 001 - 200 000: 10 CHRT
200 000: 8 CHRT

White Paper


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