Introducing Strippers on the Blockchain! No, seriously

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

So I was browsing through the list of newly added coins on, looking for coins with a low price relative to circulating supply when I found this:

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I checked out the website ( and was surprised to find it was related to a strip club in Vegas called The Legends Room.

I’ve decided this a good investment opportunity and will explain why in this post.

Firstly, here’s some info on the coin from

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What will the coin be used for?

The coin will be used to offer discounts to customers who attend The Legends Room. LGD tokens will grant 20% off all club services except gaming. If you have 5000 LDG tokens you become a lifetime member of The Legends Room. This gives you a 50% discount on the club’s services and grants you many additional extras, including access to the member’s room.

Las Vegas is the fight capital of the world, and The Legends Room will be hosting viewing parties and after parties for UFC events, where members will be able to watch fights with porn stars and UFC athletes.

Who’s behind it?

Why The Legends Room will be a success

If you wanted to build a strip club in Vegas where people could watch UFC fights, Nick Blomgren, Stephan Bonnar and Phil Baroni are the guys you would hire. They have all the credentials, and most importantly, high profile connections to make sure the club succeeds.

This club will be the place to be around the time UFC events are taking place, so anybody who has money and is a fan of UFC will want to be here. You better believe that’s a lot of people. Let’s be clear, UFC is the new boxing. It’s the true gladiator sport reeling in fans from across the globe and eating into boxing’s viewership numbers. The same way crypto is the new wave in currency, UFC is the new wave in competitive fighting and as the sport continues to grow so too will this club and the price of the LGD token.

One of the club’s stated goals is to “expose and promote the idea of tradable tokens for fractional assets to the public.” The club will have monitors which constantly display the $LGD price, and the staff working at the venue will be able to answer any questions regarding the token.

But the true genius of The Legends Room is that it will work with or without the crypto element. Customers can still pay in cash, but they are incentivised to use their LGD tokens in order to enjoy discounts and members benefits. In fact, to not use them would be to miss out.

There are some huge fighting events scheduled in Vegas this year, most notably the Mayweather McGreggor boxing match which will take place on August 26th. I expect the price of LGD will experience a jolt whenever a big fight such as this is taking place. This is why I will be investing in LGD tokens.

Some pictures of the club’s strippers for good measure

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Obligatory endnote: this is not investment advice.

Ledger Wallet protects your bitcoins


Why does that not surprise me. It was bound to happen.........