All cannabis related coins see HUGE spike on the markets!
HempCoin(THC) saw the biggest spike of around 175% over the last 12h.
I bought 2500 THC a month ago (for around $25) in the knowledge that unlike the other three (Cannabiscoin, Dopecoin and POTcoin) this one is dedicated to the legalisation of hemp farming which once upon a time was a MASSIVE industry - most prominent in UK for the production of quality ropes & sails for their British Empire armada.

It is stated on the Hempcoin website that Hemp is the fastest growing agricultural business in the world and that Hempcoin is the "only crypto currency for Agriculture which is a trillion dollar trade business worldwide"
...and that "HempCoin helps facilitate transactions between farmers and distributors overseas."
The other three coins are more related to recreational and medicinal use of marijuana. Which is also very important!
But these may take some time to build as much traction as the obvious move back to using this amazing plant in the way we used to.
It is most certainly NOT TOO LATE to invest into THC!
Currently trading at $0.02 on Bittrex.
If any of you have information as to WHY these coins have all suddenly spiked (despite the recent decline of BTC) I would be most interested to hear.
It feels as if some kind of announcement was made yesterday but I can find no information about it online.
Blessings to you all 🙏🏻
Smokeexchange being set up by dope coin devs and others
Interesting! I will take a look at that. Thanks :)
wow Very interesting Really beautiful work, ThankS you for sharing
Thanks for the comment :)
I must say all the marijuana coins look pretty damn cool hehe! as for why they went up my only guess would be somewhere in the world they must have legalised it or moved closer to doing so!
That would be my guess too. Thanks for leaving a comment ;)
All about DopeCoinGold . SmokeExchange and SmokeNetwork struck a deal!
Thanks! Will look into that :)
Let us hope the hemp industry will recover soon from this nasty beat down by plastic inc.
They have done enough damage to the planet and the plant's rep!!!
Thanks for the good information!
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