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RE: JPMorgan Bitcoin Is Here To Stay 🔥 Markets Booming Again 😅⚡🎢 Jamie Dimon Says Sorry 😩

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

Well said David. I would add that the too big to fail banks are a set of criminal enterprises that need breaking up and the executives brought to justice to serve some well deserved jail time. They are parasites draining the American people of their wealth.
The banks hate crypto as they feel threatened by its ability to make them as extinct as the dodo. The too big to fail banks such as JP Morgan have a brilliant modus operandi its very simple and is a win win for them. You must be on tenterhooks to know what their winning strategy is: it is fraud, theft, market rigging all sanctioned by the SEC/CFTC.

In a recent article I explained how JP Morgan, the 6th biggest bank in the world, has paid over $18 billion in fines since 2008! In that article I interviewed Helen Chaitman a lawyer who successfully prosecuted Bernie Madoff whose ponzi scheme was sanctioned by JP Morgan and stole 64 billion from investors. Bernie has gone to prison for the rest of his life. Yet Jamie Dimon and his bank got off scot free.
I suppose it helps when a president calls you his favourite banker and gives you a pair of presidential cuff links to show how much he adores you (i.e. President Obama's gift to Dimon). Don't take my word for it read the brilliant book by Helen Chaitman JPMadoff that explains in forensic detail how JP Morgan facilitated Bernie Madoff's criminal activities.

If you think I am being a bit too harsh upon the banks then you should read the article I wrote about HSBC, 7th largest bank in the world, and its money laundering for the Mexican drug cartels that have murdered tens of thousands of people. Read the 350 page Senate report into HSBC's criminal activities. Guess what? HSBC got off with a 2 billion dollar fine!

The UK Chancellor at the time, George Osborne, wrote to the U.S. Attorney General begging him not to prosecute Britain's largest bank. The U.S. Attorney general publicly stated that banks like HSBC are too big too fail due to their systemic importance in the world economy and therefore cannot be prosecuted!
I don't suppose any of the fine went to the families of those murdered by the drug cartels?

The banks will use their bought and paid for politicians to make sure that crypto never infringes upon their criminal activities.