check crypto again down

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

There is no room for argument on the fact this week has been really rough for those who participate in cryptocurrencies. Truth is that all of us, possibly with no exceptions, are constantly having our faith in the movement tested by the markets that seem to make less sense every single day.bitcoin.jpg
We try to rationalize events after the fact to no avail. Why our favorite coin dropped in valuation, why a certain analyst was wrong. All the questions that will never have an answer that will make us feel good or satisfied. In my opinion these market shakeups are part of a necessary cycle. Not because of some sort of universal plan, but simply because there are a lot of people who get into the markets believing naively that cryptocurrencies are just about easy money. This of course, is very far from the truth.

What to do?

today is not a good day to be selling anything. Its one of those days we need to step back from the computer, write a post, read a book, call a friend, do something other than staring at the coinmarketcap. I can promise you that staring at the valuation of currencies won't make them go back up.
I'm also of the idea that this shakeup is probably announcing a big rally. I'm willing to be very soon we will be thinking back about the day Bitcoin went under 6k and Steem touched a dollar wondering how silly we were being all scared about those prices.

I'm going to follow my own advice, step back, spend some time with some friends and trust that things are about to turn around soon.



Great article!! Signed up for You, I will be glad to reciprocate!) Follow!))

yes bad news so many fuds in market what to do