Medico Astute: An Ecumenical Solution Through Telemedicine

in #cryptocurrency6 years ago

With the so many possible applications of the Blockchain Technology, there is one industry that is yet to be explored with its benefits and that is the field of medicine. Being one of the fundamental desiderata of every human, the opportunity for a facile access to medicine queries such as consultations should be made possible to avail leverage the quality of life and increment longevity.
Imagine being in an area where access to clinics or hospitals require peregrinate from coast to coast. This situation is not something incipient for a number of our fellowmen are suffering from this lack of medical accessibility. In lieu of having immediate medical assistance, it will take hours afore one gets to the patient. Even a simple consultation is often too few of instances for such a community that is away from medical accessibility.
To avail amend the quality of medical accessibility and consultations as well as other medical cognate accommodations all at an affordable price, Medico Astute was envisions by its team.

Medico Keenly Intellective is commencing an evolution in healthcare. Being an ecumenical blockchain ecosystem, Medico Astute will be able to provide healthcare accommodations at a lower price but with so much accessibility and benefits. The Medico Astute ecosystem will be integrated with hospitals, clinics, healthcare providers and clients in an ecumenical setting.
The Medico Perspicacious ecosystem will additionally be driven with Artificial Perspicacity (AI) Technology that will avail avail in understanding patients’ condition and make the decision making process for medicos and healthcare providers marginally more facile and more expeditious. It will withal bring forth telemedicine to bridge the gap of medical accessibility to some areas and offer healthcare and wellness management.
The progenitor of Medico Keenly Intellective verbalized “This will empower healthcare systems to distribute superior cost efficiency, affordability and quality of accommodation to clients. We believe these advances will increment quality of life and longevity around the world”.
The Medico Keenly intellective Accommodations
Medico Keenly Intellective is like a patient’s virtual healthcare assistant that will give you a facile authentic-time and 24/7 access to some health and wellness advice given by medicos, fitness experts and instructors. Medico Perspicacious additionally offers a virtual visit where you can verbalize with an authentic healthcare professional and do your consultation online.
The image below shows the different virtual visit options Medico Astute is offering to patients.

Aside from the aforementioned things that Medico Keenly intellective can give to patients, here are other things that can withal be done:
• Expeditious consultation accessibility to healthcare professionals and providers
• An utilizer-cordial and comprehensive platform where you have an access to your overall health information amassed through consultations, advices, prescriptions and personal data embedded on some fitness wearable contrivances and mobile applications
• The faculty to reach healthcare consultation from professionals all over the world
The Medico Astute Revolution

Medico Keenly intellective is hoping to drive a better healthcare system all over the world by going digital. With a blockchain-predicated platform, powered by AI and perspicacious contracts, Medico Perspicacious is yet another medical solution breakthrough.
Medico Keenly intellective Support System: Medico Smart’s clinical support decision system will avail speed-up and make drug prescriptions even more precise by comparing the given drug to the patient’s past medical record and drug interaction.
This Medico Keenly Intellective solution is assistance to medicos and other healthcare providers to eschew prescribing medicines that might put the patient in peril or eliminate drugs which were proven to have no effect to patients.
Medico Astute Control System: This Medico Perspicacious solution will avail healthcare providers such as indemnification companies to facilely verify medical qualifications of patients and for better and more concise consultations. To achieve highest quality, Medico Astute has implemented a two stage quality control system.
Medico Keenly Intellective Blockchain-Predicated Ecosystem. The utilization of Blockchain in its platform will sanction transparency of transactions between participants. This will abate the chances of committing erroneous decisions as documents will be made available to all included parties. Medico Perspicacious is withal predicated on keenly intellective contracts that will make medical fees transparent and remotely affordable and have more secured financial transactions.
Medico Perspicacious AI Technology: The AI capability of Medico Keenly intellective will avail abate the job of medicos and professionals. Having the facility to assess medical conditions through analyzing CT/MRI, X-ray and ultrasound images or scans, the diagnosis will come in more expeditious and will avail the medical professional.
Medico Perspicacious Queue Solution: Predicated on some request parameters, patients will be matched to specialists in such manner.
The Medico Perspicacious Process

In general, patients will only need to access the Medico Keenly Intellective App, register, include some complaints or symptoms and cull a specialist that he or she requires. With a waiting time of approximately a minute, Medico Perspicacious will connect you automatically to the specialist.
You will then do some authentic-time virtual visit or consultation of your cull. You have the option to apportion some medical files through the virtual visit and let the specialists gain access to it to further understand your current medical condition. After your virtual visit is done, you will ken the total medical fees, medico information and duration of your visit. All visit files will be preserved according the medical advices given during the visit for your reference.
And then you will receive an individual medical advice after 30 minutes, starting from when the virtual visit ended.
For a more categorical flow of how Medico Perspicacious works, visually perceive image below.

The Medico Perspicacious Ecosystem
The ecosystem will be comprised of Health Care Consumers or patients, healthcare specialists and providers and health indemnification providers. They will all be vital in Medico Smart’s vision of making medical care more accessible, preponderant, efficient and cost-efficient.

The Medico Astute Token Details and Allocation
Token: DSTT
Price: 1 DSTT = 0.001 ETH
Platform: Ethereum
Accepting: BTC, ETH, BCH, LTC, DASH, ZEC
Minimum: investment 0.1 ETH
Soft cap: 50,000,000 USD
Hard cap: 5,000,000 USD
Country: Cayman Islands

To ken more about the technical details and aspects of the project plus their latest updates, visit their official gregarious media pages and website:

Bitcointalk Promulgation Thread:
BCT Username: rosebit
BCT Utilizer Link: 0x8A94288F25A3F43d972C62aD6e1E1831D0b9B9f3