My Story of Being Tortured in Prison [VIDEO]

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago (edited)

I was around 22 years old.

Here are some pictures of me from that time. You can see the firecrackers, they are the small things we are holding.
fishing 4.jpeg

fishing 5.jpeg

The firecrackers were sold by many online sellers on eBay at the time and also major retailers too:

As always I enjoy hearing your thoughts in the comments. So don't forget to post them under the video. If this video meant something to you then please share it.


Good one, Felix!

German meme quality :D


Familiar with Hans Herman Hoppe?

not really, but i read authors who are inspired by him (Oliver Janich)

The problem is there are all kinds of laws even some obscure ones. Why shouldn't he be allowed to sell fireworks online and ship them, isn't that what many are doing. Plus why would ebay allow the sale of fireworks if it is illegal, if ebay had prevented the sale and explained in detail why it could have made a difference.

IT is corporatism Small independant sellers are persecuted

Very powerful story. I've never been to prison but I have two friends that have been tortured there as well. There is no valid excuse for this behavior. It's bad for everyone.

map prison incarceration rates.png

The truly sickening thing about some places (Louisiana) is that their economy is based on the slave labor that the Revenge System brings in. Fixing the problem would literally crash the economy. It's pretty disgusting how entrenched this embarrassment truly is. To top it off, the entire system is heavily rooted in racism.

I wrote a post about this as well:
Beware The Police State

I hope that one day people will wake up out of their coma and realize how many bad things are happening around the globe on a daily basis; all preventable.

Fixing the problem would literally crash the economy.

I understand where you're coming from, but beware this argument. It was the same one used to justify much grimmer forms of slavery at one point.

It can be fixed without crashing the economy, which is of course not to say that it will.

Honestly, I would choose to crash the economy.

I think you should run for Congress!!!

You obviously, have not been following up with Roger. He denounced his US Citizenship.

Great video, Roger. Powerful to finally hear these kind of details about your story.

Hoping that Gary catches some sort of “break” in regard to the merciless, parasitic attack being perpetrated against him. The state has done untold damage to humankind for so long now, one can almost understand why folks wish to believe in a hell.

Keep spreading the message. As dark as things can seem. This is highly encouraging. Ideas can never die.

Roger Ver was not really jailed for firecrackers, but he was imprisoned and tortured because he is a powerful supporter of cryptocurrency and blockchain. We all must take a stand in support of Bitcoin activists now before prosecutors begin to target us on Steemit.


I was so angry and sad when you told your story this year at Anarchapulco. Saludos desde México

Utter madness... the fact that anyone could think that a person losing his freedom for a mutually consensual transaction of firecrackers is anything short of unfathomable evil is beyond me.

People will say, “Yeah, that’s fucked up, but we gotta have laws”. They see the leaves and miss the tree because their thinking is not rooted in principles.

But philosophy isn’t practical, right? No need to train the mind, I’m just born ready! Now, where’s my shoes... I have to go pull a lever so a satanic millionaire can make all my decisions for me.

I wish all people would come forward with their experiences with our "justice system" and get the word out. I do personally know several people who were treated by our justice system in some really piss-poor ways, both in and out of prison itself. Just recently my boyfriend was stopped because the pigs "couldn't see his plates". He peacefully used his rights. Kindly refused search. The pig coerced him out of his vehicle to show him, "what is wrong with the plate". Once his back was turned to the Police, they just grabbed him without warning, bashed his face into the curb, and arrested him with no reading of rights, being informed of the intent to arrest, given a reason for arrest, and never got his phone call. They put him in a police car on a 110 degree day with all windows up with no access to water or A/C. He was taken to the station furthest away from his house, held for 13 hours, fed moldy bread and stale cookies, drank tainted tap water, then released at 3:30 in the morning forcing him to walk in the rain 21 miles to get home. The pigs lost his DL. Yeah, a life ruined because pigs can't read a plate? I am so sorry to hear about your story. I do believe that these types of things do "affect us all" and should be taken quite seriously. Thank you so much for sharing.

Thank you for sharing. I'm sure this was probably difficult for you to talk about. I know it's not the same thing, but it was difficult for me to listen to as well.

There's no question that prison guards, and police in general, are far more mentally unstable than those they watch over. These are people who have willfully taken up arms against their fellow men for the sake of the state. Even if they have fallen for the "public service" nonsense, if they don't stop once they have learned the truth about what they have chosen to do for a living, they are definitely unhinged people. (I almost used the word "irredeemable," but I'd like to think these people are capable of a come-to-Jesus moment where they stop what they're doing and go do something productive with their lives instead. That doesn't seem to happen enough, though.)

Congrats on ultimately being able to rise above this nonsense and leave the country, despite the blemished criminal record. I'd love to hear more about that at some point.