Free byteballs anyone? Read on.

in #cryptocurrency7 years ago

image from the official post

Hi guys I just discovered something cool with the help of my good friend @deveerei. You can check out the details in @punqtured's post.

Either follow this link to open the attestation bot in your user's wallet once after you've installed it. Or another options is if you are new user, comment your receive codes/address below for me to transfer the fee needed to verify your steem user profile. The higher the reputation the bigger the reward is. The reward pool is limited so first come per serve basis.

As per @punqtured's blog:

The attestation rewards are as follows:

Steem reputation above 30: you get a $10 reward

Steem reputation above 40: you get a $20 reward

Steem reputation above 50: you get a $40 reward

Steem reputation above 60: you get a $80 reward

Steem reputation above 70: you get a $160 reward

Just spreading the word.

Good luck and have fun guys. 😊